PUP contains files for an "Age Pass" with seasons and unlockable items

But my real complaint comes now, if they can’t manage to fix animations vs hit intervals i.e. rams, spears, scouts(where it’s the most noticable), then why are they making skins for said units that also aren’t properly aligned.
Image if you were playing Dota2, and your hero’s attack animation would be slower than the attack that’s coming out, or the animation is faster, so you hit an enemy but the attack didn’t come out yet and you cancel it early, that’s poor design, and would seriously upset the balance of a given unit.


Just FYI: the files refering to the Age Pass are missing on the new patch


I will buy Game Pass. I like to collect achievements :yum: :smiley:

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This is the beginning of the end. Thanks for the run guys.


god damn it mate you deserve better than empty trophies

dont fall for their junks


This is awesome. Why didnt they do this directly on release? Playerbase wouldve been more stable or even bigger by now.
Lets hope it doesnt come with tons of bugs 11

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No doubt, but, hear me out, what if we tried sending the message before the game goes under?

Challenge level: Impossible


I cant even remember the last time a patch was released with no major bugs

its no use, they have adopted the idea of letting players do the test for them

Can not wait for the +2 attack on all scouts for one month for only 20 usd <3



Came here to say this. I always tell my friends - One of the reasons I still love and play age of empires II is because I can just boot up the game and I have everything. No daily quest bullshit I need to complete or I’ll fall behind on FOMO unlocks. They kind of already added this with these events that require us to do missions for skins and I already hate it. I do not want to ever be forced to log in daily and grind this game. I log in and play when I want to. I have already quit every multi-player game forcing me to grind battlepass style events. I’d hate to have to quit age of empires 2 as well but I would. I’ve been playing on and off since the game originally released by the way, very long term player.


The series peaked at AOM. It’s all been down hill from there.


playerbase and popularity yes but in the gameplay aspect it peaked with aoeo. andyP said a lot of gud things about that game in this forum so I took a look and its mechanics has potential

Oops we are in the oven if they put in a season pass…

Sure, like AoE 4…

Yeah, Microsoft is the owner of the saga and they decide what to do with it, we have no choice but to accept it… that’s what adapting the saga to the “modern gaming world” has to do…

Yes, in that sense it will become like AoE 3, AoEO and AoE 4…AKA AoE Definitive Thief and Pay to Win…

Yes, but that’s why they want players to always stay in the game (that is, game as a service) to monetize it as much as possible…

That’s true…

Well, at least they tried new things, I’m not complaining…

The theme will be the moment when they run out of civs to put in, also this would be to give more life and dynamism to the game…

That’s true… I have to organize myself to do the AoE 2 and AoE 3 events on time… PS: What is FOMO?.. I understand that it is temporary events but what is the meaning of the acronyms…

No need to go to voobly, you have the 2 HD and the Steam Workshop…

It’s not bad, as long as it’s not an armed robbery (I see you Activision, EA, Capcom, Konami, Bethesda, Rockstar and a long etc)…

Of course, of course…

It must be because we are already used to DE and HD is what it is…

Eh, it wouldn’t be bad either… they could also put more fauna on the maps…

A misunderstood of his time…

Things as they are… they took so long to improve AoE 4 that the game already lost its novelty and they decided to go back to the golden goose that is AoE 2…

Yes, at least I appreciate that they continue to add dlcs to AoE 3 and obviously the new European skins, which look very good…

Don’t give ideas…

Yes, I agree… the saga as we knew it prior to the resurrection of the DEs did not end in 2002, but in 2011…

Fear of missing out

Voobly is afaik more stable than HD.

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i forgot 5 flops/ deceptions
(aoe3, aoeo, aoe1de, aom ex dlc, aoe4. ).
and the “they don’t care” still truth because even when they care they are making mistakes that can be percived as such

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Ah, so that was fine, what I googled…

Yes, but it requires a lot of patches to make it work, that’s why I just prefer the HD or stay in the DE last and well accept what comes…

AoE 3 had two expansions (TWC and TAD, more than what AoE 1 had with RoR and AoE 2 with TC) and sold 1 million copies for 2008 and AoEO although it had good intentions, it failed in its monetization of everything and that it didn’t knew how to keep the players playing the pvp of the game, which came out months after the original release of the game, plus the disgust that GFWL was, plus the cartoon aesthetic, I think that FE relaunched it on Steam would do a little better, because the game, potential is what it has… AoE 1 DE was launched and left to die as soon as it came out to focus on AoE 2 DE, the AoM EE dlc was super bugged and AoE 4 does not pick up…

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yup the attention is getting cold according to twitch stats


Well, there’s this tool:

It also auto-configures Voobly, so not much patching needed :slight_smile: