Random thought: robber baron and industrial revolution

The only difference between these two cards is the latter was unlocked at a higher HC level (so it’s usually given to the “less industrial” European civs). And both are also the same as factory wagon.
Now that the only difference is gone, could we find a way to differentiate these cards?

Robber barons: has a slight COST and makes the first factory upgrade free
Industrial revolution: has a higher COST and grants all factory work rate upgrades
British could have a unique version reflecting their leading role in the industrial revolution, like an aura for the factories.


I’m all for some kind of way to differentiate them especially for the reason you’ve stated.

I’d also be super keen for a British quirk for the reason that they got the whole Industrial Revolution ball rolling!

What would be really great would be some British HC factory cards/upgrades that refer to the driving forces of the Industrial Revolution, such as Sir Richard Arkwright who was considered the father of the modern factory system.

It always baffles me that arguably the biggest milestone in British history that should be covered in the AoE3 timespan is not touched whatsoever ever with exception of generic, shared factory shipments.


For British specifically, I wonder if a factory card could be infinite. The first time would be free, and ever time after would add 1k food, wood, and coin.

Such a card would be totally unfair for most civs, but British have a kinda poor late game eco so it might be passable.

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no. absolutely not. there are zero ways this would ever be balanced


My, somewhat, radical ideas for factories:

  • All european and post-colonial american civs can build 1 Factory upon reaching the Industrial Age by default, no card needed.
  • British unlock their Factory one age earlier than everyone else. (Factory produces 50% less during Fortress Age, works normally on Industrial Age)
  • Maximum possible ceiling for Factories is 3, even if you use more than 2 Factory related cards.
  • Get rid of the generic “Factory” card.
  • Industrial Revolution: Increases Factory build limit by +1, Factories are built 50% faster and are 15% cheaper.
  • Robber Barons: Increases Factory build limit by +1, replaces Factory Food and Wood costs by a smaller quantity of Coin. Factories generate Coin 10% faster, but Food and Wood 10% slower.
  • Labour Laws: Increases Factory build limit by +1, Factories have +25% HP and boost the work rate of nearby buildings(Trains units and research techs faster).

Industrial Revolution is available to all european and post colonial civs, Robber Barons and Labour Laws will depend on balance. Civs can also have more unique factory cards with unique bonuses.

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills hearing y’all talk about explicit, large buffs to euro economic potential lategame and haud gets one farm card


Hauds and other civs should be buffed accordingly, obviously. This topic is about ideas to make Factory cards more interesting, not to buff european civs more.


Adding a 3rd factory potential by default to all euros is by definition a buff. Power creep is a dangerous drug in every rts game


actually I changed my mind, otto needs a third factory @AssertiveWall20


Y si apilamos estos dos envíos para que ocupen una sola ranura? El primer envío es la fábrica y cuando lo pides te permite enviar barones ladrones que está abajo. Después de todo son solo fábricas. No opino de hacerlo envío como los japoneses que pueden enviar dos veces, sino algo nuevo como dos tarjetas apiladas

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why stop at 3, make their vill build limit techs add +1 factory.


Make great bombards trainable via artillery foundry

When you stop to think about it, Robber Barons is a hell of a weird name for a card that’s a standard fixture of practically every civ.


If sending cards researches all the techs, why even have the techs there in the first place? I hate all cards which researches techs automatically for this reason.


In a game where half the cards are outright useless I too would love to see more buffs to the already GOATs that are taken every single time no exceptions.

Fr tho, this might be fun to do for a scenario like a risk style game. Give each euro a unique one of a say europe map. Could have some fun there.


It would be interesting to present the Industrial Revolution in the game, but the problem is that every change for European civs might easily buff those their already strong late games too much if there are nothing lost in exchange.

Maybe The Tycoon can provide a Factory Wagon rather than 1000c for the British when aging up to age IV.

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Oh I agree. The reality is that any changes need to be incredibly careful.

I like the Tycoon ageup suggestion.

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So, Europeans get a HUGE power peak by just reaching industrial age due to these cards and you wanna buff them, really!!!

Meanwhile what other civs get? Cards to just fix their economy (crates, bisons…) that need a continous XP source to be effective or some units (rockets/flying crows, which europeans also get)


I forgot to mention a build limit of 2 (meaning they only get to rebuild them at increasing costs), but you’re probably still right.

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Again, almost 20 posts and almost no one ever thinks of:

  1. It can be balanced if you add a HIGH COST to the card (I already mentioned it. COST). This could even turn it into a debuff. It could delay the second factory.
  2. I was already very careful in adding nothing more on top of the maximum late game economy by only granting techs instead of buffing factory gather rate, except the proposed British one which could also come with a HIGH COST.
  3. Same as every of the 833782746277 topics on this forum, suggesting changes to something does not prohibit changes to others (I know some people really want to prohibit certain changes to certain civs so that’s why they have this logic) and not every topic needs to be a comprehensive balance patch.

Some of our veteran elite guard imperial players are so fixated on some certain agenda that they become triggered immediately by the combinations of certain words, or change itself, without even reading the whole thing or consider the simplest adjustment to balance it.
This is our most radical AOE of the series.