Random thought: robber baron and industrial revolution

I gave up on good faith balance discussions after they added 8 los to otto artillery, sorry


I don’t want changes to the legacy AoE III civilizations factory shipments.


Because all European civs were actually “their American colonies” in legacy.

I do think they can have better names like “Spinning Jenny”. That could be a different topic.

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If this is the benchmark for quirky factory shipments, then anything mentioned here will probably need x10 cost or cost like the victorian age tech

i mean if you want to get technical, otto “can” get a third factory (and no factory civs can get 1) if you get hanover but it does cost x2 the cost of imp (and require a specific native only on some map) which kinda puts into perspective how niche this has to be

edit: hausa should be given a factory, if for no other reason so that this interaction can break the game further

free imperial heavies is such a joke for that price, and added to my list of “yet additional bs I didn’t know mexico had but now I’m mad about”

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In fact anything in the op has fewer effects than the Mexican one so it should have a lower cost, or the latter should have a higher cost.

Actually this is where the idea comes from. I think the Mexican factory card is more like a brake after FI than a buff.

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I mean it does match the mexico design of getting most things for free, and shipments making the rest free. Good thing they have a poor eco, weak units and a huge shipment penalty.



On a more serious note, I know that buildings that generate resources are hard to balance. I began entertaining the idea of having such buildings (Factories, Banks, Shrines etc.) use civilian population space to compensate for their large eco bonuses. It also makes sense historically, as workers began leaving the fields to work in factories during the industrial revolution.
And no, I don’t think that most civs should have access to 3 factories, only on very specific circumstances. Most should be limited to just 1 or 2.

I can genuinely stand behind brits (and brits only) getting a 3rd factory, no strings attached, just a 3rd shipment available. They are an economic focused civ that tapers off hard age 4. That would be perfectly reasonable.


Really? The brits? Why not the italians gaining instead a second one since they are supposedly a decent eco civ and yet only get a single Factory and has not even a decent trickle on their saloon equipment?

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well I think there were very carefully weighed reasons why malta and italy don’t get a second factory and that reason is

Italy gets 1 factory because in this time of lagging education standards, they’ve gone and helped educate 100s of people on somewhat complicated mathmatical formulas to realize that lombards are actually kind of bad and that they got scammed thinking its an eco civ. The burned hand remembers lessons best after all


I’d rather apply the USA approach to factories and have them automatically available to send upon reaching industrial age. This will automatically buff some of the cards that are now considered useless, as new slots will be available in the deck.

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with Mexico eco you can usually afford it and it sends fast so a part of the cost is paid back by getting it working earlier than a normal factory and the rest gets compensated by the free upgrades - and if you’re in a situation where you want the res to go elsewhere then there’s nothing stopping you from shipping the other factory first(and setting it on wood so you can send the other one as your next shipment)

Mexican shadow tech do go wild - especially after unrevoltig from Baja and getting imp outlaws and Artillery basically for free^^

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I love the idea of the Brits getting some sort of industrial revolution themed card or power.
Would moving one of their factory cards to Age 3 be too powerful? The Mexicans can get a factory in Age 3 via Baja revolt. You can’t research the factory upgrades or train cannons until Age 4.

Another idea might be something to do with coal. What about an infinite 1x coal mine card in age 4? Call it something like “Newcastle coal fields”.


Someone admitting he’s coming here for shitp*sting, and all subsequent replies that quote it (one of them is mine), are removed without any trace?
Posts that are flagged and removed will leave an “ignored” post and I should have received a message for it.

What kind of magic is this?
Is this how the positive image is preserved?

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your guess is as good as mine

Factories for europeans could be given an aura with the cards.

Industrial Revolution: (300c) Ships a factory wagon. Factories increase the workrate of nearby artillery foundries, docks, arsenals.

Robber Barons: (200c) Ships a factory wagon. Economic buildings built adjacent to factories provide a trickle of resources. Mills 1food/s, estates 0.8 coin/s.

Honestly i’d rather they rework imperial and industrial era natives before we see more factory related stuff unless we are talking about the second one for italy.


Nice suggestions but non european civs need cards as powerfull as factories in age IV first.

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