(CODE) Attack boost ability doesn’t affect ranged units
(CODE) Units with special attacks don’t look for new targets, when they attack without command
(CODE) When a Town Center is under construction by an unit without economic unittype (every norse infantry unit expect of Ulfsark Starting), the player is unable to delete the TC.
(CODE) Units with minimumrange stuck, when they are pushed to the edge of the map and can’t retreat without player intervention:
(CODE) Units with rangedattack lose all of their previously gathered aimbonuses after every special attack.
(CODE) When a TC dies, villagers carriing resources to the TC, don’t look for new drop sites immediately. First they go back to the location of their tasks (it’s a waste of time). When other drop sites die, they look for new drop sites immediately.
(CODE) Some cheat codes like O CANADA don’t work, when the player has only Citadel Centers.
(CODE) Citadel Center GP can change the location of Pharaoh respawn.
(CODE) When a villager carries resources and heading to a drop site get attacked, the villager goes back to the location of the task instead the drop site after the attack finished. For example the villager carries wood to the dropsite, get attacked, attacker dies and the villager goes back to the trees despite of it can’t gather more wood.