The pick rate for this faction is dead last with LESS THAN 7000 games played so far as Delhi for ranks platinum and up. For prospective the most played civ at plat+ is English with 26 thousands games, and 3rd most is ottoman at 18k and also Mali, a unbalanced civ still has 11.7k games played…
So what’s the problem?? IMO the elephants not being central and optimal in the meta, and the stagnant playstyle of the civ (get sacred sites gg).
Also the slow yet free upgrades. I think if you gave delhi the option to buy standard upgrades but make delhis cost option be 15%-20% more costly, then the player would have a dynamic whereby they could overpay to get pertinent techs in a timely fashion meanwhile going the slow free route on techs they can afford to get overtime.
Example i would gladly pay 1150-1200 resources to upgrade my tower elephants to crossbow tower elephants and likewise another to get incendiary arrows!! Vs having 21 scholars in mosques or even having 10 scholars building 3 delhi uni’s and getting 3 techs 10min+.
Tower elephants have been OP for a long time and the most recent nerf may have over nerfed them? May a slight cost reduction for tower elephants maybe in order.
War elephants are super niche, I’d like a speed boost and a stat reassignment to give this elephant a generic function. Something like 1.38 tiles/s speed with a attack speed of 1.38s, 20 base spear dmg with with only 30 bonus vs cav; and keep the tusk dmg as is (30 melee on a 2.88s attack speed). The point of this change would be to make this unit semi function like a heavy meaty maa with speeds like a palace guard and a bonus vs cav. This buff would promote having 1 or 2 (in a mid size fight) frontline your army and soak dmg while forcing enemy to kite and flank. Vs what happens now where this unit likely dies before it even reaches 1 target bc it’s efficiently kited to death.