Remove dust effect on building destruction?

I’m not sure if the white cloud of dust is baked into the destruction animations or not, but is there a way to remove it, or could someone make a mod (or show me how to make a mod) which would remove it? I’d like to see buildings get destroyed without it being behind an overly-opaque dust cloud that doesn’t even make sense most of the time.

Another thing I find annoying: Sometimes berry bushes or nodes of gold or whatever will become outlined when they’re next to each other, as if they’re behind a building. Is there a way to tell a particular object to “never outline”? To me it ruins the look of the game when two bushes supposedly occluding each other turn into a mess of white outline.

Any mods for the removal of the outlines?

Huh? That’s… what I’m asking.

You mean like this?

Both are possible. Outline for gatherables behind buildings is more easily do-able than removing those smoke effects, it’s quite tedious.

  1. For the outlines, open ACE and go to Units, change the first Choose box to Class, paste “c 5| c 8| c 7| c 15| c 31| c 32| c 33| c 48| c 49” without quotes into the first white box, you’ll get most of the gatherables - this is just an easy way. Choose the ones you want and set their Occlusion Mode to 0.

  2. For the smoke effect, it’s much more tedious. Go to Graphics, type something like “Castle|Destruction” (you want the destruction ones) into the first white box, and select every one manually and delete the smoke effects in the Deltas box. There is so many of them.

Not gonna lie, it looks good.

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for #2 its faster to use replacement method rather than editing in Genie

There is already a mod released, check for no dust or no smoke on collapsed buildings.

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@Maelstrom9204 Yes this is exactly what I meant, thank you!

@gagp2p Would have been helpful to list the exact mod… I found it though, it’s called “No Smoke On Collapse Animation” which is definitely not anything I would have searched for. I’ll give it a shot.

Edit: It seems to work well, thanks!

@thieftdp8498 Can you describe exactly what you mean and walk me through it? I know nothing about modding but this would be interesting enough to learn how.

think of small tree mod

small tree mod has shorter tree graphics with exact same file name as tall tree (base game), due to same name it replaces because game prioritize mod if its enabled

the same can be achieved with smoke, and they do allow particle effects to be graphical as well. create a graphical mod with similar structure where the smoke json file is and have it same file name, edit whats needed in the json. for example alpha 0 should make it 100% invisible.