[Request] Scenario editor QoL changes. "Any" player and trigger folders

Hey - I’m currently making a scenario to play with family and share with friends, and I’ve noticed there’s a lot of work that could be made easier with very simple implementations

It’s a scenario based around capturing cities and strategic locations - I have around 550 triggers right now

For the love of god, under “Player source” (you know in the triggers where you choose that it applies to p1,p2 and so on) add an “ANY” option (requires no new code, just mirror the effect/condition in the backgroung, once for each player) - and preferably an “Any except” option.

To give you an idea of how much easier it would make my job take the trigger that makes player 1 capture Rome

It checks whether there are military units of player 1 in the area (has to have 1)

Then checks if so that no other player has a military unit in the area (7 conditions)

Then checks if there is no tower from any of the other players (7 conditions)

Then checks if there is a castle of any of 8 players (8 conditions), (including p1 - if a castle is low enough I have it to swap to gaia and I don’t want effects to go through if p1 already controls the city)

If the checks go through it then has 8 effects, each for each of the players that could be controlling the city before (change ownership from gaia to p1, p2 top 1,p 3 to p1 etc)

That’s 32 conditions and effects for the capturing of one city by 1 player. Later that all has to me mirrored for 6 other players more - that’s 214 effects and conditions per city, and I’ve got 35 cities. You can see how the donkeywork starts to multiply fast.

And another request I would make is please, implement some sort of folder system for triggers. Organization wise it would be much easier to keep track of triggers, instead of having to endlessly scroll


A post was merged into an existing topic: A few ways to improve the scenario editor