Thanks for reporting this issue. Could you tell me if this is happening in all the scenarios of the campaign or one in particular? Also, do you have this error message once you start the campaign or when you access the campaign menu?
I’m not sure about which scenarios of the campaign trigger this bug myself, I’ve only got access to the first scenario for each of the RoR campaigns, only Sargon 1 triggers this issue. It happens when you load into the map, and the linked AI does nothing, produces no units and does not attack, which obviously breaks some of the game.
I can confirm this bug also appears on the following AoE1 (in AoE2) missions:
Egypt (Tutorial) 6
Egypt 10
Egypt 11
Egypt 12
Punic 2
Greece 1
Greece 2
Greece 4
Greece 5
All of these are ERR2005 on the .per2 files. Should be a fairly easy fix I imagine, but with this many broken it makes the whole experience a little broken
I think with the number of AI scripting errors in these campaigns, it’s easily possible there’s something wrong in the other missions of the 3 RoR campaigns too.