I thought about some Unique Units ideas for all civilisations in case they want to add them to Return of Rome.
I think Unique Units should only be available in Iron Age (maybe with exceptions) so they don’t have an Elite upgrade.
Many of them will be trained in the Academy but not all.
I’m limiting myself to just 1 per civilisation for now. In AoE2 a lot of civilisations have 2 plus some regional units.
Shielded Archer
- Archer carrying a large shield
- Relatively high piercing armour and decent HP
- Slow rate of fire that is compensated by the Assyrian civilisation bonus.
- Relatively slow movement speed
- Trained in the Academy or maybe Archery Range
Assyrians were popular for their foot archers. In AoE they can only train Bowman and mounted archers.
Archers where often paired with shield bearers but having a unit made of 2 people would look silly.
Shield Bearer
- Infantry with high piercing armour
- Bonus damage against Cavalry and Archer
- Very effective against Horse Archers or Chariot Archers if they can get close enough
- Weak against other infantry
- Trained in the Academy or maybe Barracks
They had similar armies then their Assyrian neighbours but I didn’t also want to give them an Archer unit.
They counter the commonly seen late game Chariot Archer spam giving Babylonian players more gameplay options.
This unit is a unique unit for the Babylonians in Age of Empires Online. I never played that game though.
- Mounted Javelin thrower
- Slower then Horse Archers (and especially Heavy Horse Archers)
- Lower Range then Horse Archers
- Slowly regenerate HP when idle
- Trained in the Academy
Based on Elite Warrior from the ancient Silla Kingdom. They were trained with Buddhist principles that’s why they can meditate to regenerate HP.
Korea was both famous for it’s Cavalry and it’s Archers but is not really good at it ingame. This unit fills this gap.
Alternatively the Wonhwa. Female warriors that might have been mythological only.
Khopesh Swordsman
- Cheap but fast Infantry
- Train very fast
- Have good attack damage for their cost
- Trained in the Barracks
- Benefit from Logistics
An unit originally planned for AoE1. It was later added to AoM.
They are somewhat between a Karambit Warrior and a Shotel Warrior from AoE2.
- Javelin thrower
- Anti Archer Archer unit
- Similar to AoE2 Skirmisher
- Trained in the Archery Range
Hoplites are already a generic unit and giving them a unique version of them would be strange. Better give them a unit that fills a gap that they might have.
Peltasts are a good support for Hoplite Line units because they counter each others weaknesses.
Funny Arian people in Anatolia how name is censored in this Forum
Heavy Chariot
- Has 2-3 Fighters on it (depends on what looks better)
- Can switch between ranged and melee like the Ratha from AoE2
- Has much better stats then all other Chariot units
- Cots Gold
- Trained in the Academy
This civilisation was known for it’s Chariots more then any other. They perfected Chariot warfare.
This unit will be the first Chariot in AoE that is not trash.
Cretan Archer
- Upgraded version of the Composite Archer
- Trained in the Archery Range
Crete was known for it’s Archers in ancient times so why not give them a unique one. It works similar to the Elite Skirmisher or Imperial Camel Rider from AoE2, it is an upgrade to a generic unit.
- Can switch between Bow and Spear
- Counter cavalry if they use a Spear
- Have good HP and Piercing Armour
- Trained in the Academy
They are just to famous not to be included. They were also famous for using both Bows and Spears in combat.
This will be the only unit the Persians can train in the Academy.
Heavy Trireme
- Armoured ship with more HP and armour
- Costs Gold
- Trained in the Dock
They are just to famous for their navy to not give them a unique ship. It combines will with the Juggernaught.
- Slow shooting archer with high damage
- Bonus damage against Heavy Infantry (Hoplite Line)
- Trained in the Academy
The Chinese were the first to invent the Crossbow and they used them a lot. Their high damage per hit makes them useful against armoured units. The bonus against Heavy Infantry makes this advantage even stronger. They struggle against units with a large health pool though because their relatively low DPS.
- Anti Cavalry Infantry
- Trained in Barracks
The Summerian armies where mostly made up of Infantry which mostly used spears.
- Can heal allied units
- Can’t convert enemy units
- Fights with a bow (not sure if possible)
- Trained at the Temple
Shrine maidens have a very long history in Japan going back into the Stone Age. The earliest foreign texts about Japan already mention the importance of female shamans.
Nubian Cavalry
- Light and fast cavalry
- Not very durable but with strong attack
- Trained in the Stable
The Nubian allies of the Carthaginians were famous for being the deciding force that won them many battles over Rome.
Their speed and low HP make them a strong contrast to the Elephant units.
Companion cavalry
- Shock cavalry unit with a charged attack (like Coustillier)
- Attack with a long lance
- Trained in the Academy
The Macedonians were famous for their strong cavalry that won them more then one battle. They don’t have any cavalry bonuses yet to this unit is a good addition.
Ok I’m going to skip them. It’s just a city. What unique unit could they have?
- Meele infantry with a charged ranged attack (if possible)
- Throw pilum at enemy before engaging in melee combat
- Trained in Barracks
The classical Roman infantry. You all know it, I don’t think I have to add any more to it.
I tried to find a unit that both makes sense historically, isn’t already well represented by a generic unit and also fits well into the civilisation.
I hope I also found a good mix between Infantry, Cavalry and Archer units. Some units are kinda copied from AoE2, I have to admit.
Not all units are equally interesting because we just don’t know enough about some older civilisations like the Minoans or others didn’t do much war like the Phoenicians.
On the other hand are civilisations like the Romans or Chinese where we know a lot of details about their warfare, weapons and how it changed over time so there are so many possible unique units.
I wonder what ideas you come up with.