I think the farms just have a bunch of objects that are player colour on top of the usual farm terrain.
I noticed that there are a bunch of scenario editor objects in those screenshots like camels, aqueducts, rocks, pillars, statues, tents (those seem to be new ones), some kind of palisade in front of the wall in on scene, bridges and yes the Colosseum which is not the same as the Roman wonder because the wonder is round (with a square footprint) and not oval shape (with a rectangular footprint).
Lot’s of small details, I like it.
I hope the selection of objects in the scenario editor is big and all the assets are available for both AoE1 and AoE2 mode.
I do also hope that we get at last some AoE2 units for the AoE1 mode in the editor so we can have Celtic, Gothic or Hunnic units for example.
Just noticed that there are herdables on one screenshot.
So I assume they will exist and the villagers will be able to get food from them.
I don’t expect them in most random maps though.
Back when I worked on my total conversion mod, I ported all the terrain types to the AoE2DE format, I will publish them as a when RoR released.
They need to do something about that, it seems like they use the AoE2 animals, which means that the elephant boar will be huge next to the war elephant.
I think they are just in the campaigns, herdables wouldn’t make much sense in the stone age.
Herdables make perfect sense from Tool Age, but since Age of Empires is not historical simulator, I guess it will be fine to have those in random maps and scenarios. More variety and process is still better than stagnant game.
I have feeling that would be too complicated or impossible to do in AoE2. Unless it can be done same way as monks/priests need tech to convert buildings.
I don’t know if it would be easy to implement.
Celts have an increased conversation radius, maybe it’s possible to set it to 0 and then apply the Celts bonus via a technology.
Touché. Romans were very adaptable, so if they lived in the medieval ages, they’d have trebuchets.
That being said, this game isn’t called Age of Medieval Ages, it tries to represent empires at their peak and fall, and I insist that the technology difference is not that important/substantial.
Some siege weapons from Antiquity didn’t even exist in Medieval Ages. Things like the Claw of Archimedes or the Heat Ray of Archimedes, or the Ballista -an early trebuchet?-
Another thing to consider is that almost all of the units in AoE2 could plausibly exist in a Roman army. Scorpions, Mangonels, Battering Rams, Siege Towers, Crossbowmen - all existed and were part of the Roman military.
We need the African elephant from AOE1DE added to the game as well. Not just Asian elephants, and the sprite is already there. I am hoping to see hippos added to the game since Ancient Egypt is added to AOE2DE…
I think the closest to a legionary would be the elite serjeant stat wise since he ends up with a lot of armor and a lot of pierce armor countered by raw stats
While they’re at it, they could swap some architecture sets.
Examples of reshuffled civi tilesets (they are up to debate of course):
Macedonians: Roman → Greek
Phoenicians: Greek → Egyptian
Assyrians: Egyptian → Mesopotamian
Sumerians: Egyptian → Mesopotamian
However, I think that such a change is highly unlikely right now.