Return of Rome towers named incorrectly (Latin American Spanish)

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: 83607
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUES EXPERIENCED

When using Spanish from Latin America translation, there are some wrongly translated towers:

  • Watch tower is named “Torre de guardia” instead of “Atalaya”. Also, Watch tower’s description refers to the building as “Torre de vigilancia” instead of “Atalaya”.
  • Sentry tower’s description refers to the building as “Torre de asedio” instead of “Torre de vigilancia”.
  • Guard tower is named “Torre de vigilancia” instead of “Torre de guardia”.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULTS

  • Watch tower being called and referred to as Atalaya.
  • Sentry tower being called and referred to as Torre de vigilancia.
  • Guard tower being called and referred to as Torre de guardia.

…A similar issue happens with the translation of towers for Spanish from Spain


Issues remain in build 85208 .

Mistranslations are still present in build 85614.

Issues listed ABOVE this big body of text remain still after update 87863. Bug listed BELOW is “new”, meaning it wasn’t present in previous versions:

Sentry tower is wrongly called “Torre de centinela” instead of “Torre de vigilancia”. The name should be changed in order to have a proper translation, as well as to maintain consistency between towers and how they are named, therefore, avoiding confusion.

In build build:

  • Watch tower is named incorrectly as Torre de guardia; should be Atalaya instead
  • Sentry tower is wrongly called Torre de vigilancia; should be Torre centinela instead
  • Guard tower is ALSO named Torre de vigilancia, when should be named after Torre de guardia


Las traducciones no tienen prioridad en el desarrollo del juego. Ni aquí ni en AoE3 DE

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