Reworking the Feitoria

This is what the actual ingame mechanic would be:
Every ressource dropped of at the Feitoria is multiplied by 1.1(1.2) instead
This is the effect the mechanic has on your in game ressource collection:
“So basically this is a 10%(20%) gather rate buff, combined with a 10%(20%) longer lasting ressource buff for any villager that drops of ressources at the feitoria.”

If a ressource is multiplied by 1.1 upon drop of, that means a villager gathers 10 gold and on drop of you get 11. This combines both, the effect of faster gather rate and longer lasting ressources. Because, while the villager only works the time to collect 10 gold, you get 11, while at the same time the gold mine is only depleted by 10 gold.

As you have quoted yourself Ive said 'everything thats dropped of at the feitoria lasts 20% longer

Well, now we are having a discussion, although im not sure where you get the 40% from, or what it refers to.
I agree, the Feitoria is quite pricy on the stone cost, and I am not sure if it would be viable with it. That’s why I did propose a bunch of improvements to the Feitoria that could further be made.
One way would be to change the construction cost to 500 wood and 200 stone, which would mean its basically twice as expensive as a TC.
The other way would be to let it construct the unique unit, so that the 250 stone cost are warrented, as you basically need less castles (yeah, I know trebs are important as well).
But in general, as this is still quite a new concept for this building and the game in general, I would keep the more expensive costs at first and see if it finds a place in the game and rather buff it later, if it proofs to be not worth the cost.

except the second statement is where the confusion is. you’re saying they both gather resources faster and they last longer. only 1 is true. if they are gathering faster they aren’t generating resources out of thin air.

except that’s false. faster gathering means the resources are actually being gathered, and done faster. this isn’t the case with your change at all. they still have the same 10 food or wood or stone or gold right up until they hit the feitoria.

Yes, thats true. Since a ressource multiplication on drop of does not currently exists in the game, I used the terms that currently exist to describe the effect this has on your econonmy, but I can see where the confusion is coming from. Glad that’s been cleared up.

either way this change is probably broken, especially since its literally a 20% boost to everything except trade, fishing, and relics. the only thing not making it quite obviously broken is the bigger up front cost.

Might be, thats why I started with 10% (since portuguese already have a nice eco bonus for gold units).
Celt bonus is 15%
Slav bonus 10%
Korean bonus 20%
Turk bonus 20%
Mayan bonus 15%

So 10% would be less than all of these, only start in the Imperial age, where an eco bonus isnt even that important anymore, it doesnt really allow you to do things faster anymore, and is not a global bonus, but limited to the workers dropping of at a specific building that needs to be constructed.

and this is the other problem - the devs would have to program a completely new thing just to make it happen.

but just for wood and it only ends up at 5% overall once all techs are researched.

but only for farming.

but for literally the least used resource.

but again just for gold.

and mayans literally only have like 3 military units worth making.

ahh in that case we can just remove all eco bonuses once we hit imperial age right?

yeah it does - if you have 10 villagers drop off food that would normally be 210 food. except with this it would be somewhere between 231 and 252, that means you got another 21-42 food to use earlier.

this gives you 2 advantages - 1 you can use less villagers then you normally would during imp, allowing you to invest more into military, or two lets you boom harder on closed maps where you might decide to go for a fast imp style build.

i always disliked how in english language i cant tell if you mean me personally or the generalised you. Anyway, i dont nee to punish my opponents, i just turtle myself with even more feitorias and watch the salty tears run down when the enemy realaised that i played worse but still won just because of this building.

gebnerating ressources only from nothing becomes only releavant, when there is nothing. My hole proposal is about making feitoria actually usefull when there is something whiile making them unbroken when there is nothing.

if you were able to turtle hard enough and well enough that multiple feitorias actually paid off, you played better then your opponent. it takes over 6 minutes (and that’s at the low end, being gold, it takes 14 minutes for the stone to pay itself off, and that doesn’t even count the 2 minutes of dedicated construction) for a feitoria to actually pay itself off. if you were able to invest into that and hold until it started generating enough resources to have an actual IMPACT on the game, your opponent did not, in anyway play better then you.

or when your not pop capped - that is one advantage of the feitoria. you can drop it down and start gathering a resource even when you may not have wanted to or had the villagers to dedicate to it.

ok is it wierd if there is an agreement to not completly rework it but make it work so its more efficent. as if we increase the trickle it becomes unfair again. if we cut the trickle time its wierd since we had to cut the ressource amount so i ask you @MatCauthon3 and @Geojak92 what would be an good idea to make it so its balanced and still effectivly usable in more then 2 maps

i honestly think feitoria is a useless building that should be scrapped for a different bonus entirely.
or maybe have the feitoria replace the market for portuguese and have it work faster then a normal market. (obviously adjust the cost).

if one is low enough in elo, this isnt really all that skillfull. but your points isnt wrong either, espcecially the higher the players skill.

( i used one instead of you. I think that makaes it clearer if i mean you personally or you as a generalised person.)

so basicly remove the market maybe tweak the hp make it so it can train carts bring up food and wood i think stone is ok as it is and increase the gold from the carts that drop of gold

sounds like an idea to me

edit: or is it busted since the range between markets are usually high

maybe a fixed amount + instead of air route

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somewhat similiar to the spanish bonus x saracen bonus tohught

edited it tho there was one concern

it may not be skillfull, but its smarter then your opponent. think about it. you’ve literally set yourself back lots of stone and gold building those feitorias. all he should need to do is build some trebs and support it with military and he should be ahead of you on that front because of your investment, meaning he should be able to keep picking off your defenses and hten destroy your base.
he couldn’t.
which means you played better.

one think important to feitorias that hasnt been mentioned here yet.

feitorias if ever are only an issue for 1v1, ffa or extreme case teamgames like ilands

Why is that?
First maps are bigger so theres more wood
Second because 20 trade carts generate insane amounts of gold compared to an feitoria, and buying ressources goes a really long way and is much better than fietorias trickle until till extremle wood prices are reached.

Building a feitoria in a regular teamgame is really bad decision. even on arena. A fast imp feitoria boom is only for a very short window able to keep up with a normal villager boom, and teamgimes always give enough time for booming to catch up. Add trade and you got complete oboslete civ bonus.

This is a problem in my opinion.
Hence my porposal to change pop cost to 10 and limit fietorias by a fixed vlaue other than pop. THis makes the somewhat unsefull indepedent of the availabily of trade, and ressources for villagers to gather.

Also on extreme high Pop games feitoria is currently broken and really tamper with 500 pop lobbies, especially since these are often played by lower skilled individuals. It can be very unfair currently.

okay so what? you think other civs don’t have bonuses that are situational?

Indians fishing bonus - how good is that on arabia? or most maps in general?
Lithuanians faster moving trash, how good is that in team games? how about their food bonus on EW? oh wait.
what about Spanish bonus in 1v1?
how good are water bonuses in general on Arabia?
how good are land military bonuses on Islands in general?

I dont care about thos other civs bonues. So what?

What about the kids in africa, they are starving and here we are discussing age of empires…

so you get to pick and choose which situational bonuses you make a fuss about?
we call that a biased argument and its a terrible place to argue from - you either care about situational bonuses or you’re biased in favor of one civ specifically.

two different subjects entirely. one is about food and one is about a game.
but frankly the point is - if you’re going to cry about situational bonuses you’re gonna have to deal with people bringing up other situational bonuses and “i don’t care” isn’t going to give the right impression.
it makes it look like you’re concern isn’t “this is situational” and more like “I care about this and only this and who cares about the rest” yeah, you’ll use situational to your advantage here, but you don’t really care about situational, you just proved it yourself. basically you make yourself look like a politician.

of coures i get to choose which things in the game I care about and which i dont. Its called freemdom of the mind. I am heer to discuss the situational bonus feitoria, and not all those other things you brought up. If you cafe about them, make a new topic.

Its pure What aboutism that youre a doing. Bring up unrealted other situtaional bonues is unreasonable, and i wont deal with them or adress them.

I do care about this, YOu put into my mouth that i dont care about the other att all, but its my freedom to care about one thing more than another.

whatever dude… i regret putting you off my ignore list. you really got a talent adjigating and trigger me.