ROMAE AD BELLUM - (RAW:E) Rome at War Expansion Concept

I think the walls look very good. Not as much a fan of the TC though. It kinds of seems too tall, and the roof color is a bit out of place with mosr of your other buildings.

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Thanks, as for Town Center, it predates the others. Stole textures off Medi Imperial age TC. I have debated redoing that building. Put a lot of love into the destruction animation so sort of dreading a redo ;). Lol

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Great progress! Any Roman/European rectangular army tents being introduced? Would be great for a Roman square camp scene!

Anyone with Blender knowledge here? Could anyone advise?

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i am noob in blender but should start learning it and make some custom models

@rjgt3838 how do you make custom destruction animation btw?

@thieftdp8498 I do them frame by frame in Paint and/or Photoshop. Use a combination of other destruction animations and my own edits. The original games destruction animations tend to be closer to a 100 or 150 frames of animations whereas mine tend to be 30-40 with more still/static frames at the end to avoid modifying DAT file. Even at 30 - 40 frames, it can be very tedious to create :stuck_out_tongue:

I did work with an Artist on CG Trader on one custom building done using 3D Modeling program and it included a destruction animation using software to generate. Was the closest I got to game quality in terms of animation fluidity. However, was never able to get the contrast, player color, and proportions right with that Artist.

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24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 x24 yes complete sentence

Romae ad Bellum Release 4.2.22

Romae ad Bellum

This version includes rework of many of the custom units. Improved design, render, and post processing to better match the game and bring to life the ancient time period! Major thanks to Sapsan008 for all his hard work and talent.

Also included are custom Fortified Roman walls, including construction and damage graphics. Please enjoy and do share feedback! Thanks, and happy gaming!


@TheConqueror753 I started working on an update TC to better match the other textures of the set. See middle model in screenshot. This still needs eye candy, shadow work, and additional details so WIP. Let me know if this looks better or if there is anything I should adjust.

Updated to include some shadowing under Center Pavilion and some more ornate details. Need to add additional shadowing in lower terrace area for smaller columns and then add vegetation and other eye candy details.

Final Version 4.6.22 with shadows and eye candy added. I think this came out very nice! :slight_smile:

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Which one are you moving to? The one in the middle?

@TheConqueror753 Yes, the middle one, still needs shadows etc but that will be the new texture and proportions I think

why not keep both? x20

some of the custom building and units fit so well cant even tell if they are modded, job well done!


@thieftdp8498 thank you for the kind words!

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I tried downloading it from that link for the first time a few days ago, because I felt like finally trying the mod, but when I did so, none of the special units or buildings seemed to have the graphics they were meant to. The special buildings looked like normal ones, and the special units either looked like normal, or were invisible. Maybe I didn’t have the mods enabled properly.

@TheConqueror753 you need to play with UHD graphic setting, mod replaces X2 SMX files so graphics won’t change or may conflict with DAT mod as it will reference frames in unit animations that may only exist in X2 SMX graphic. The mod doesn’t support X1 or regular lower resolution setting currently.

New Roman Town Center in game. :slight_smile:


Do I need the UHD DLC to play it?

Yes, you need the SMX X2 files which comes with that DLC, you may also need Lords of the West and Dawn of the Dukes DLC because that is the DAT file my game is based off which I modded, not 100% sure on that though.

I have the expansion DLCs, but apparently the UHD DLC decreases zoom level and takes up a lot of file space, so I haven’t downloaded it. Maybe it’s worth it to try this out though.

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