ROR Middle East Kingdoms Diplomacy 1

A regicide diplomacy Middle East map for Return of Rome, in which you fight to control monuments. Everyone starts with a kingdon. Each monument generates resources. Pop limit is 1500, you start with 500 pop room. You get 100 food, gold and wood every 60 seconds. Your King is an hero centurion unit. Your King has 5000 HP and is very heavily armoured, but has low attack. If your King dies you lose the game. Make allies and take over the Middle East. Temple is available to all civs, so a Macedonian player can recruit priests to heal their King if he is injured. Game starts in tool age wtih standard age setting. Trees and resources respawn and can’t be broken by catapults. Everyone can make fortified walls and ballista towers. Heavy Transport Ships have 400 HP. Everyone has x2 urbanation and x2 times architecture tech. Civs are preset, but you can pick civs if you want.