ROR: why so few custom campaigns?

Hello. I’ve been looking every day for new Return of Rome custom campaigns, but since a few weeks ago no new custom campaigns have appeared anymore.
Why have so few apparently been willing to create campaigns for ROR so far? Are more complex campaigns still being developed and will only start to be made available in a few weeks or months?

I think it’s a combination of

  1. the reception of RoR has been somewhat lukewarm
  2. It’s a bit harder to convert existing AoE1 campaigns to RoR then it has been to convert existing AoE2 campaigns to AoE2: DE
  3. There’s a lot more stuff to convert for AoE2 to begin with.
  4. If people want to take the route of explicitly developing their campaign for RoR in the same style as the campaigns featured in the expansion pack, this will take time, and it’s only been a few weeks.

Also, I’d love to see some better catagorization in the AoE2 mod menu that allows me to pick RoR-focused mods. Custom campaigns for RoR really should be in their own catagory.


If porting AOE 1 DE scenarios into the ROR editor would be possible, I would release a 8 mission campaign pretty soon (would add triggers and more eye candy). I’m still working on the campaign, but I need way more time, because I need to rebuild the missions from scratch :frowning:


The lack of proper unique skins for the heroes and the poor resolution/clarity of ROR even with UHD is irritating. Also the lack of distinguishing qualities between the unit types is another reason. There is alot of potential but every unit looking like a Greek one is quite disheartening. We need some basic generic looking spearmen, a spear throwing unit, and better upgrades for some of the existing ones like slingers, camel riders, chariot archers and axemen.


You can mitigate some of those issues by using the AoE2 units and heroes that are still in the dataset.
Armour classes are often matching but not always.

This is IMHO the biggest hurdle in the discoverability of ROR campaigns.

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Hey, that porting tool only works for the original Age 1, but sadly not for AOE 1 DE.

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