Royal Houses techs and ability

Hauds 20vills

Aztecs bonus on farms and estates

Lakota bonus on hunting

India cease fire, mansabdars… you cant remove any few bonus they have

I would argue for haud atleast you can get the lesser amount of vils earlier to overpop and then age to age 5 for the factory, its arguably worth more since you can set it to coin which their eco suck at, and it gets you more pop for military

so that is 10 vils over pop + a factory which is pretty good

same for the other native civ since you can get a lesser bonus but trade it for the factory, would have to crunch the numbers for that.

india is a tough one, though arguably trade in the karni for the factory??

I think you can research it in age 5, and you will be able to build the extra factory.

Unrelated, I think a small change they should make is for Priests to rebuild Athos Monasteries. It would be nice for them to keep working into the lategame, or if they were destroyed and you didn’t get one of the techs.

And putting the Athos Monastery on the Priest solves 2 problems: it’s both thematically appropriate (and parallels Abuns building Mountain Monasteries) and doesn’t clog up the building menu for Settlers, especially for Euro-style civs which with the Native Embassy are already full.

I’m not exactly sure what would be the best fix for civs without Priests (or priest equivalents, like Missionaries or Imams [yes, I realize]).

For TWC civs, you could stick the Monastery on the Healer/Warrior Priest/Priestess, but those Villagers still have plenty of room in their building menu so maybe it’s a moot point

For TAD civs, maybe the best solution is to let the Monks build them? Again, the vils have room, but it might look awkward to stick the Monastery on the top row alongside the wonder and town center.

African civs have the Griot and Abun as priest equivalents so it should be a straightforward parallel, although it may be kinda funny to see Abuns with 2 basically identical building options.

And in the case of Mexico, slapping the monastery on the Padre is probably fine.

Yes, I’m doing it…I have already updated the royal houses and the historical maps…

To celebrate the launch of Knights of the Mediterranean, the following European Team cards have received new names and icons for real taste:

British TEAM Fast Building Houses ► TEAM Tudor House

IMPROVEMENTS in the cheap market of DUTCH TEAM ► TEAM House of Nassau

FRENCH TEAM Early Skirmishes ► TEAM House of Bonaparte

GERMAN TEAM Teutonic Town Center ► TEAM Hohenzollern House

Ottoman TEAM Cheap trading posts ► TEAM Osman House

Portuguese House of Bragança ► TEAM House of Bragança (now a team card!)

Russian Team Hitpoints Barracks ► TEAM Romanov House

SWEDISH TEAM Heavy Infantry Hitpoints ► TEAM Bernadotte House