Scottish civ for British’s Rev town center for age2 Mexican Rev mode

So as I understand it, @AnyDiagram93675 wants to add an Age 2 Scottish revolution to the British Civ and also wants to make reference to Mexico somewhere in that. This may be because the Scottish made a failed colony in modern day Panama (The Darien Scheme 1698) prior to the act of Union in 1707. The failure of the colony was one of the major catalyse for the Scots to join the Union due to the Bank of Scotland going bankrupt and needing bailing-out by the English.

The way in which I’d approach this, is instead of having a “revolution”, have an Act of Union button in the Town Center which costs 300 of each resource in Age 2. This will add one new uniquely Scottish home city card to each age.

Examples of new Scottish home city cards I’d introduce after the Act of Union include:

  • Age 1 - Highland Coo - enables reskinned cows to be trained in the livestock pen with an additional 20 population space.
  • Age 2 - Darien Scheme - sends a gold mine prospectus wagon and decreases the coin cost of ships by 25%
  • Age 3 - The Tartan Army - enables Highlander training from the Town Center and Forts. This card officially introduces Highlanders as a part of the British Army, therefore all Musketeer home city shipment now affect Highlanders too. (i.e. Scots Guards, Coldstream Guards and the Thin Redline)
  • Age 4 - James Watt’s Steam Engines - researches the Iron Horse technology on all trade routes on the map, increases train speed by 10% and increases resource generation at all allied trade posts by 10%. In addition to this, all home city shipments now arrive 50% faster due to the benefits of steam power!

In Age 3 there should be the option to start the Jacobite Rebellion from the Town Center. This should cost 600 of each resource and ship a new hero unit, *Bonnie Prince Charlie.

The key components of this revolution include:

  • All Musketeers are converted to single pop Highlanders (on the map and in the barracks) with the big button ability to perform a Highland Charge
  • All Setters and Pikemen are converted into Redshank Clansmen (a reskinned Guard Rodelero with increased siege attack)
  • Redshanks Clansmen are slowly spawned from manor houses for free
  • All units move 20% faster
  • All units attack increased by 10% when in the Bonnie Prince Charlie aura
  • Bonnie Prince Charlie can receive shipments
  • Shipments arrive fast
  • A unique home city deck with cards that send additional Scottish units and French Mercenaries.
  • There will also be a card in the Jacobite deck that has the ability to end the rebellion. This will revert all Redshank Clansmen back into settlers and all Highlanders back into Redcoat Musketeers.

After the rebellion is over no Scottish units or technologies will be available any more (including the Black Watch church technology and all the Act of Union home city cards). Recovering from a failed Jacobite Rebellion will be hard as your economy would have come to a standstill during the revolt as settler training during the rebellion is not permissible.