Same, AOE3 Screenshot contest is a great idea!
@InterjectionAOE ? he alive? 21
I feel like the houses could be connected with some roads/paths.
@Terrys14922 interjection works for aoe3 now
I see, that’s good news!
should rename this thread “which one of @Troteck 's screenshots is best?”
10 days to step it up y’all!
Nice one, is this the classic Aoe3 with mods? Just one good sky makes the screen look so much better…
About my photo?
It’s actually AOE3 DE, but since I couldn’t fit the skybox thing I used Photoshop to put he RDR2 night sky. The original background is all black.
You’re right, a nice sky makes all the difference. Looks 10 times more real, game should come with a default sky.
ikr? This contest was taken by @Troteck 21
I like to create scenarios and I like to share
For anyone that wants to make cinematic screenshots, i made a small guide here: