Should Bulgarians get Champion or Any Buff?

I agree, but remember Malians are also a cavalry civ, despite the fact generic Paladins are stronger than any farima cav, just because Farimba allows them a significant power spike in early Imp. Bagains could work the same, if it was cheaper.

BTW, what would you think of pikeman with +5 armour? (No halbs, that upgrade would be removed.)

or +3 for halb
malians is very bad too actually, need little buff

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Let’s say I’m playing bulgarians and you franks. In castle age I take a good battle, and have 15 kts while you lost yours. That snowball really fast. Early imp and I have cavaliers with stirrups. You, instead of going knight line, switch to halbs. Mass a good group. With any other civ I would have a problem, since I can’t kills those halbs. But not with bulgarians. I have instant 2hs ready to go. I don’t even need to fully upgrade. I already have the attack.

That’s why they don’t need champions.

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What made you think they need a buff in the first place?

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actually, this is not a good reason to not get better militia-line. also i will use my gold for axeman and kill your all weak THS

because bulgarians bad never get pick by pros, %50 less food for blacksmith not enough for a %40 winrate civ. infantry worst of all inf civs, a thing to buff. winrate is %48 rightnow but this is cause of hype and played this patch for many pros, we will see next month

You ignored lesser ELO players? Check their overall winrate. We cannot ask buff or nerf with just higher ELO plays.

Yes let’s wait for more data.

Ă§ĂŒnkĂŒ low elo players can’t do anything against m&a :smiley:

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Bulgarians have the same winrate as Aztecs at 1650+ (recent nerf to Aztecs only moved them 1% down or so), yet Aztecs are still considered to be one of the strongest civs by pros. So this value has no meaning. It merely displays performance at some very specific level where only a tiny portion of games occur. And their overall winrate is above 50%, which indicates their good performance among “general” playerbase.
Afterall, we don’t know how good are they in tournamnets (because we haven’t seen any with buffed Bulgarians), and we DO know that they are good for the general playerbase. Thus, I see no reason to buff them yet.

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the pros consider them to be a solid mid tier civ, so i don’t think Bulgarians honestly need any buffs at the moment, especially to their imp age where they have stirrups cavalry, konniks, and solid siege.


they are good at mid castle- early imp. siege tech -%50 cost good enough for imp age. stirrups cavalry worse than generic paladins!, konniks slightly better than generic paladin but worse than other cavalry civ paladins and his THS slightly better than generic champ, worse than all other infantry civ champions.

i hope we will see how “effective” they in next events, or they will be picked ?

Bulgarian don’t need any buff, actually they are good at anything, yes anything, good siege, good infantry, good cavs, cheap castles (kreposts; which they are good to drop them on your enemy or as defensive building), cheap siege upgrades, free militia line upgrade, 50% discount on food for blacksmith, blacksmith works 100% faster, great feature for their UU that make their UU 2in1, and now you are saying they need a buff?!!! I wasn’t even agree to their last buffs in the last patch they are one of the best civs in the game

you are best idiot if bulgarian one of best civs. it was among top 10 worst civ before buff

Goth? Malay? My point is you can’t just compare raw fight stats, you have to factor the cost /attainability as well. Bulgarian THS is not only a lot cheaper (remember BS as well now) but also MUCH faster to attain than all those infantry civ champs.

Same for their cavaliers. How many camel civs nevermind knights can actually beat Bulgarian knights in castle age? How long does it take for Spanish to get their paladin? What is the Bulgarian doing if they aren’t using their power spike?

 A Spanish player needs to save up the res needed for the paladin upgrade, and then wait for it to tech, in the meantime the Bulgarian not only has vastly superior cavaliers, but they can spend that same res on even more cavaliers

On top of one of the best hussars in thr game. You’re just comparing paladins. But you seem to have forgotten there’s a whole other unit besides the konnik which you aren’t using in your argument either.

Now tell me which civ beats their hussar AND their cavalier (even if we forget the power spike)

Berbers are a pure cavalry civ, yet Spanish paladins will beat their cavaliers cost effectively (it takes less time needed to train the number of paladins needed to beat the equal cost in cavaliers) Maybe berber cavalier needs a buff too? (sarcasm)

yes but the combination of halb cavalier and siege ram plus some hussars in there is deadly enough in my opinion, when i play them i only use the cavalery as i dont like the infantry as an important part of ur army

It is not my problem if you are not good at using their strengths, and not only Bulgarians, their are many strong civs that people don’t know how to use their great bonuses, best example for that is Saracens, many people don’t know how are they very strong especially their market because they don’t know how to use it

malay’s trash full upgraded THS and goth’s super cheap infantry very good actually for infantry civs

Which is my point bruv

I agree bagains could maybe do with a slight buff. Maybe cost decrease or +1MA for halbs
 But nothing drastic. You have to factor the Bulgarian militia lines other strengths.

Bulgaria is weaker for their eco not for their military bonuses. As has been said NUMEROUS times if anything they need an earlier eco buff. Their late game is amazing with insane hussars, FU siege on top of their very good cavaliers or konniks

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did you forget they have no eco bonus ?

Any discount is an eco bonus. Town Centre, Blacksmith , Siege works, militia line(arguably) all eco bonuses

Imo if they fixed the militia line(to be mor useful) Bulgaria would be much stronger. Same for the CA. Bulgaria has access to a nearly FU CA which is regularly overlooked due to the weakness of the CA

There are a number of civs that would be nearly perfectly fine if they just fixed the relevant units. Instead we have under powered unit lines that lead to weaker civs. HC, CA, militia line, camels are all far too situational.