yeah they are very op(!) even pros don’t know how to use them. so they don’t play with them.
I didn’t say OP, but you are the one who says Bulgarians need a buff right?! Bulgarians was the most civ that got buffs in the last patch, they are very solid now and they don’t need anything
i agree ca, hc, militia-line need a buff
i can agree, one of the best hussars in the game. but cavalier and konniks can’t match up with other civ paladins or with generic paladin. they both bad against arrows. paladin can beat stirrups cavaliers. and frank, teuton, lithuanian paladins can beat konniks easily. actually only advantage of bulgarians is power spike before paladin upgrade, how good is this spike arguably when thinked you need a castle and give 400f 200g(4 knight)
400 f 200 g vs 1300f 750g (10 knights, and 3 min tech time)
only those civs can beat their konnik, the boyar can also beat it , just because 4 heavy cav in the game can beat them doesnt mean they are remotely “not a cav civ”
on top of that 2of those dont even have hussars nevermind super hussars like the bulgarians(which still factors into them being a cavalry civ), frank and teuton literally have some of the worst light cav in the game (or scout for poor teuts) which means their gold free raiding potential is extremely handicapped. again you need to consider more than just unit vs unit raw fighting stats.
in the late game a bulgarian can endlessly spam the best hussars in the game to raid the frank player, so even if franks have the best paladins, the bulgarian has far superior raiding potential.
bulgarian 2HS will beat the frank champs, and halbs, and stands a better chance vs throwing axemen, than ALL other militia line . you can test it here, i used medium micro, and ran the stats until bulgaria 2HS vs axemen had a ~50% of winning, then i tried equal numbers of other champs in place of the 2HS, all other civs simply lost.
i mean for castle age. it is hard to get UT early, frank and teutons getting there bonuses auto for early castle
good simulator. i used and saw bulgarian ths can beat japan or burmese champs with +2 +3 more number. this is good
but pathfindng doesn’t count on this simulator. match ups not %100 true
edit: i changed my mind, this sim is bulls…t. how burmese champs can beat aztec champs with %60 winrate for 30 match
there appears to be quite a lot of variation between results. Try doing a 300 match analysis. It’s actually 50/50, anything between +1 and +4 is equivalent for champ v champ fights.
This is pretty much the perfect situation for Bulgarian 2HS. Ranged attacker, so durability matters more, relatively low damage (compared with champion / knight / eagle / other gold units) so armour does more.
but we all agree
so I don’t know why I’m even continuing this
+1 armor for pikes with bagains perfect for make them a balanced civ. or cheaper bagains or +1 pierce