Should more Western civs get the Ottoman treatment and get unique rosters?

All of them are from that ingame civs (I have another one but wrong filetype). Are they that different??

Edit: the another one

This is a downright myth. Portugal had one of the four greatest riding schools, lol.
Portuguese School of Equestrian Art - Wikipedia

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do you happen to know of a battle portugal won on the back of their cavalry?

just because there is a famous school, mostly for breeding horses mind you, it doesn’t mean it produced good cavalry.

Batalha de Arronches – WikipĂ©dia, a enciclopĂ©dia livre (
You said one.

The only time the Portuguese had terrible to inexistant cavalry was during the Napoleonic Wars
 because the French had stolen almost all of their purebloods during the first French invasion.

nah, just bring a new civilization, avatars, campaigns

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You are confusing the Alter Real State Stud with the actual School.

I think you mean current, not actual. “Actual” sounds like the Portuguese word “current” but it actually means “true”.

I meant “actual” as in the real school, I didn’t mean current.

Ah, okay. XD
(20 chars)

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Yes there are:

5.8 - UNIQUE HISTORICAL ARMY SKINS - S.XVII-XIX - Multiplayer compatible! - Mods - Age of Empires

So the point is moot. The people who want super specific units can use custom strings and custom models.

If the Hauds + Lakota were separated from the Aztecs + Incas and given a new military setup based on the Warrior Societies that Tortuamerican cultures had, this would make sense.

Something akin to giving them a handful of basic units that require cards or specific age-ups to change those generic units into units from the Warrior Societies - like giving both civs a basic horseman, but then the Lakota could send the Badger Society card and turn the horsemen into War Badgers, with altered stats and a unique appearance that clearly makes them Lakota rather than generic.

It’d be a good way to introduce a third civ, like the Haida, into the mix as well. The Native civs need a rework from the ground up and the two southern civs need to be pushed away from the two northern ones.


I agree. Game-wise there should be a slight split (subgroups I guess) for the broad regions, boiling it down to the fact that Meso-American/South American native civs had rather different infrastructures to those in North America (and from there, further on into NA plains/woodland regions etc). European continent civs have a different setup to Asian continent civs as they should, so it’s odd lumping North and South American continents together because ‘they’re all just Native Americans’.

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Top of my head i could make Ports a bit more unique instantly.

Give them Carracks as unique ship.
Halberdiers as royal guard unit, and available 2nd age.
Pikes on 3rd age
Melee explorer with greatsword and pistol
Nobles with Montantes and heavy armour
Arquebusier unit 2nd age
Xbows upgrade into musks
Caçador available only in 4th age
None of that dragoon buff shenanigans, replace hussar with armored heavy cav.
Replace Fort with Feitoria, add to it the effects of the feitoria card
Instead of organ gun, a breach loading canon with aoe effect.

Quick and dirty idea.

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Would love to see Carracks for the Portuguese (though they refer to them as Nau). Interesting the Caravel ingame is portrayed with a Carrack model, so maybe that would be a good excuse to give other Caravel uses a more-fitting model and give the Ports the current, renamed Carrack.


The Ordenanças militia could be a potential unique unit for the Portuguese as well, but in order for that to happen the current church technology that has this name for the Portuguese have to be replaced with something else.



  • Who’d ever build Pikemen on the third age when you already have Halberdiers available, probably even shadow-upgrading.
  • Would your explorer even be melee if it has a pistol? Actually, why would Portugal out of all people get an explorer with a Greatsword?
  • Assuming Portugal gets the Age II Arquebusier, what do we do with the chinese unit?
  • Crossbows and Muskets are two completely different unit types with drastically different roles, you know how out of whack gameplay would be for the civ? Nevermind the price difference where you could just cheese anybody with pure value.
  • I assume your Hussar replacement are the “nobles with Montantes and heavy armor” called Fidalgo I guess (?). Unless you thought they’d be an infantry unit, in which case you’d be having, what, 3 different melee infantry units? What makes Portuguese nobility so particularly special anyways that they require their own unit?

Like your idea makes absolutely no sense from a gameplay perspective, you just shuffled some units around and didn’t provide any actual new unit.


Remove Pikeman from ports then gameplay wise.
Portugal used Halberdiers a lot more than pikes and even had a royal guard unit.

Portuguese Nobleman used Montantes in battle. I can provide you a few quotes if you wish. The Explorer, as most were, were part of the Knights of Santiago or the Order of Christ, and would be Nobleman.

Im talking about Portugal, not the chinese. Portuguese used Arquebusiers extensively.

Again a sugestion based on historical events.
The Besteiros do Conto, were replaced by the Arquebusiers do Conto.

Portuguese Nobility literaly built the Portuguese Empire. They were the driving force of expansion. Hence why the nobility should feature prominently as they held all of the military offices, led the armies and navies.

My idea make sense, i assume you dont know luch about Portuguese history.

Carrack would be a new unit, the new cannon would be a new unit and even a new building. Like i said, quick and dirty suggestion on a 5 minute break.

The faction you see there is named Portugal, but it has very little of historical Portugal.

Obviously my suggestion is rough, but Portugal should not be a late game economic powerhouse.
Should be a ealry mid game civ, with rapid expansion using feitorias (that could be weaker forts, instead of TC) having the advantage until fortress age.

Its very unlikely to happen, but what you see in game is not Portugal. Just a frankenstein with the name.

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Don’t come to me with the “you don’t know the country’s history” card, I know perfectly well that Portugal loved to LARP as crusaders in Africa, it’s the whole reason the Kingdom’s entire nobility was killed in that one war with Morocco.

I’m talking about gameplay, the units you suggest are super redundant or don’t actually bring anything to the table. You can’t just warp the civ around just to make it more “historical” if you’re not actually proposing a gameplan.

In fact I don’t even think you’re thinking properly at what set Portugal apart from the rest of Europe. Do you seriously think explorers from the other countries weren’t nobility too?
Like every other Conquistador was just lower nobility down on their luck, that’s why they were so brutal, they wanted to regain prestige somehow.

Portugal having Royal Guard halberdiers is indeed correct, they were called, unintuitively enough, “Archeiros” (because there’s a weapon called an archa, not because they were archers), would probs make more sense than having Legionnaires for both Royal Guards, but it’d require rethinking how the civ plays, probs a full rework?

I don’t even think it’d be that historical for Portugal being a late game powerhouse, since by the 19th century it already was a non-player in the European scene. I definitely see the early-mid game civ part, but both is just wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

Anyways, back to my initial point, there’s no names for the units, you’ve got Ordenanças and then you just immediately begin diggin the well of obscure references.

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