Shrivamsha Rider - The fastest to train, fastest moving and fastest attacking non-castle land unit

Leave them as it is. Don’t break what is already fine

Nobody agrees with you, most pros have the opinion that Gurjaras are broken. Considering that you ignored my arguments, I’ll just assume that you like playing them and want to keep them as is. But playing against them don’t feel fair at all, which is the issue.


Let’s make another unit useless, just like what they did with Steppe Lancer. Go ahead Aoe Community, screw Shrivamsha too

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Nobody wants to make SR useless and almost everybody agrees that SL nedd a slight biff


Once nerfed, they never take a look at an unit or feature like it was before. I remember reading Tatars was broken and now? No one remember their existence. One thing I agree that SR shield should not work against ranged melee attacks. Attacks from mangonel-lyne should still deflect. Removing husbandry would take the identity of the unit. The civ is already weak against another cavalry and relying on camels is not the only way for Gurjaras. Will all DoI civs be forgotten too soon? Raise the gold cost to 30 would help.

Not only no one asked for it but also Gurjaras don’t have Knights.

Tatars are a good civ now, probably one of the best designed civs of TLK currently, pros pick Tatars quite often.
And noone asks overnerf the unit, but a cavalry Unit that moves faster than cuman hussars and dodge projectiles, and cost way less than knight need a nerf.


But wait, there’s more. Did you know that their shield also guards units around them? Or something else is bugged. Like, what’s happening here?


As the 1st comment says - Looks like Hussite Wagon mechanism. Probably a bug.


Possibly. I don’t think this was intended by the devs either. Somebody should inform the devs if they don’t already know of it.


Then Chakram Thrower isn’t weak against Onager, Houfnice and Heavy Scorpion. 3-4 Shivamsha can shield them against Siege fire.

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In design, because on paper the Hussite Wagon doesn’t absorb missiles going over them, and they still take damage (both Hussite Wagon and unit behind them).

Does seem like unintended effect, because even if you ‘dodge’ the enemy missiles, your allies might not. But the shield instead absorbs the missiles.

I wish they’d just get changed to absorbing arrows only.

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Exactly. Considering how well shrivamsha riders tank arrow, this was one of their few ways to kill chakrams. Chakrams will shred any infantry that gets close, and their camels will kill your cavalry. Survivalist was nice enough to publish this, but there must be someone who figured this out and abused the hell out of it. Gurjaras are so frustrating to play against.

Meanwhile Hussite Wagon


I also articulated that Hussite Wagon is useless 1 years ago but I got reactions for that because pros at that time claimed that Hussite Wagon is strong.

This is my comment 1 years ago:

One reaction I got:

My another comment:

Another reaction I got:


Another one


This is just absurdly funny by now.

Really hope this gets seen - or changed, if they’re aware and this actually is intended behaviour.

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This is not a bug, this is a feature. 11


Ok what do we have in Shtivamshas:

  • highest speed of a land unit
  • kinda cheap
  • low gold ratio
  • quite high damage output
  • regenerating arrow shield

i think it’s jsut too much stuff. It would be fine if the gold ratio was higher or the base atk lower (bonus vs archer to compensate). Or the speed was lower.

Also I still don’t like the arrow shield in it’s current design as it is so clearly too powerful vs all low-speed firing or high cost ranged units. Someone even showed that shrivamshas are actually stronger vs CA than Camels, which is really weird imo considering the insane bonus damage of the camels.

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there was a bug report made about it weeks ago so they tracked it. no update as of now, and possibly nothing till end of the month, as they are “too busy” with rome dlc