Siege Current Situation //proposal changes

1).- No, I don’t agree.

The change of the Springald was made precisely to prevent the Springald from destroying the Bombards easily in Imperial Age, and therefore “Extend” even more the time that the Post-Imperial wars take in any game.

Reducing the HP of Mangonels and Bombards would literally be “going back” to what the patch achieved.

Also, by having more attack speed, the Springalds are now “Useful” against ranged units, which makes sense since in theory they are “ranged siege weapons” they should be able to destroy archers easily, which they now do.

Also, you can amass many springald to still one-shot a mango or bombard. The only problem is the Great Bombard, whic only happens to ONE CIV, the Ottomans, but that already has its own topic, join the thread if you want to comment: Why the ##### is ottoman not nerfed?

2).- No, I don’t think that’s would be a solution, not even historically and it don’t even look good.

If a cannonball hit you, you die, it doesn’t matter if you are cavalry or infantry. Another thing is that the cavalry has a greater advantage in avoiding bullets and cannons because it is always moving, but only the Cavalry.

Example: That an Elite Men-at-arm Post Imperial receives only 1 damage per bombard, it would be the same as seeing a men-at-arm receive 218 cannonballs without falling to the ground, that would be “* UNPLEASANT*” to see.

“Problem that already happens in the AoM”: In fact, it is one of the “Problems” of the Age of Mythology: With siege that is unable to do minimal damage to military units, and only to buildings, and you find absurdities like a unit that is hit by a Rain of stones from siege units, and continues walking like “Peter in his house” (spanish expression). It is worse to see when a “Behemoth”, the creature that is supposed to be a living tank, is not able to kill a villager or a hoplite, because or hell: it has siege damage. Hopefully this will be corrected for the Remake “Retold”.

Maybe, Light cavalry can be given “percentage” siege armor, but only 10,20,30%, but NOT to reduce 99% as mithology, please NOT.

3).- No, I don’t think it will be implemented:

Because we’ve gotten used in AoE IV to using siege without fear of Ally Fire since season one, (or even since The Beta), doing ally fire like in AoE2 would simply make most people stop building siege, or worse: that we simply “Let’s stop playing the game”.

Also, that will not prevent mangonels from being used, but only people who master the MICRO quite well, use them, and Abuse them, leaving those who don’t in the minor leagues, therefore you are not solving the problem, but Creating another".

Perhaps it can only be implemented if the allied fire is not “Total”, and only does, say, 10% or 20% allied fire, like happens in many RPG in real times games, with some AoE techniques.

Maybe try it in a PUP, before making it official, because it sounds quite drastic to me.