Siege engine crew, workhorses

Lol it would be funny to see guys throwing torches at the manned siege and the crew just standing there taking it.

To be fair though, if people are willing to accept that little bit of goofiness its generally fine.

Rise of Nations (an older Microsoft game) got their siege animations pretty right IMO.


In III, siege engines have always been crewed, and crewmembers die together with their engine (it could explode, crush them and so on). Perhaps it’s an artistic choice, made for making IV more similar to II?

We have already seen those yellow crew silhouettes while unpacking trebuchets, so why not using the same trick while moving and firing all the siege weapons? It could be a good compromise between a permanently visible crew and its absence, and it would fit the style of the game, in which additional crews are seen only when needed (for example while constructing).


I am against it, this is superfluous, and taking into account the chosen style, it is simply an unnecessary detail.
This has already been discussed so many times and most agreed that this is absolutely unnecessary, the gameplay of the game will not get better from this, and maybe even worse.


I remember we can also see the shadow of trebuchet’s projectiles in AOE 2. Here, its hard to see them and their impact. or as Acecard said, we could have the crew disappear while moving just like AOE3 horses disappear when we unpack them, but siege must be loaded and fired by humans.


IMO Rise of Nations was a better game than age ll
 The territory control was something could have taken into age IV to avoid the stupid castles vs castles battles


I too have started believing the same. Age 5, or AOM DE/2 are our only hope.


Most agree? Really, so you think this forum is the 100% player base? Lol bot even 1%


I myself couldn’t explore it much, but I remember seeing a ton of positive reviews for it. Even its videos on youtube have many praising its gameplay.

Even if we look at the comments under the videos about AoE 4, we won’t find hundreds of exclamations that the game needs sacked units.

There were some screenshot posted some weeks ago showing around 12k dislikes in some videos, the most criticized part of the game is it’s graphics and art style, again forums represent just 1% of player base or even less, I remember a Italian magazine articles with all the comments on negative


There were lots of really cool systems that Rise of Nations used honestly.
Its a shame Microsoft has basically forgotten it though.


ThT made me laugh LOL it was amazing!

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About AOE 4? Yes, its probably the first game in AOE series to receive this level of criticism. They have to do something to save this franchise. I was talking about Rise of Nations. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Just add at least an option to remove the golden ghosts, thats what breaks the imersion way more than the lack of men handling the machines.

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Small indie company my dude. There were no siege crew animations on Unity Asset Store.

I personally never bothered about the unmanned siege equipment.

What is looking really off to me tho is that they get these yellow shades on the reloading mechanic.

They should either have a crew or not, but this inbetween thing is just offputting.

I really hope the yellow shades can be deactivated in the visual setting in general.


The ghost thing was clearly inspired by the recent success of Phasmophobia game.


Checking this channel I really cant find a video with that ratio

Im inclined to think that’s just not true.

53k likes VS 5.6 Dislikes


LOL where is proof to say MOST agreed? Now you are the big boss talking in name of the community?

completely wrong, there are golden ghosts already, it will not affect the gameplay as it does not affect AoE 3 gameplay. I doubt your main game is AoE, because looks like you never played AoE 3.

Are you living under a rock?


And not to mention they deleted the cannon video where a comment criticizing the unmanned weapons got over one thousand likes

So sadly for you, from what I have seen there is a big amount of people complaining and asking for them. So the less I would expect is an option to add them


millions of people will buy even if some dont, you have to make requests properly, they listen and they have adjusted a lot of things like arrows and stuff

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