We (you me) cant have a fruitful conversation? When you speak i reiterate you points. You even affirm sometimes that i properly reiterated your point of view? But when i attempt to send my points across, you often miss it?
Your quote shows how reductive you’ve been with my points? It’s frustrating for me not when some has their differing perspective but rather when they can’t/won’t understand.
Bombard vs Bombard, since it appears you want to be technically, is not equivalent to springald vs springald.
Fine. We don’t agree, can we stop talking then? I’m not trying to convince you of anything, I started posting to give feedback and to ask someone else about the relationship bombard has with other siege and to make my own suggestion.
You started this off by accusing me of picking out a weaker argument and strawmanning adribird. You kind of put me in a defensive position and I felt the need to explain my position thoroughly.
Out of everything this patch has brought out from people it’s the petty squabbling that sucks the most.
Beastyqt made an excellent point that I think everyone can agree with: you like the patch and want to play the game more because of it. Great! I don’t.
There isn’t anything wrong with you approving of the changes. There isn’t anything wrong with other people disapproving of the changes. Which camp has more people, or which camp has the strongest ideology, has absolutely no bearing on why people feel the way they do.
I dont agree the siege rework is terrible but i will admit some of the challenging aspects that might need more attention or tuning.
English white tower drop into trebs
Delhi late game war elephants + ghazi + springalds (springalds chew threw spears and everything else will just die cost for cost vs max upgrade war elephants and elite ghazi).
NOW, in the current state of siege; siege supremacy will absolutely end games now!
This sounds reasonable. Yet, I’ve played roughly 50 games since the new updates and there are no springalds in real matches at all. The reason is that ppl are massing horse units and archers and nobody is building a mass of MAA anymore since they are nerfed so badly.
Springalds are not good at countering either of them. Ranged units in a line formation can easily take down springalds (or other sieges) without taking much AOE. Horse units are highly mobile and counter-sieges at the same time. That’s why springalds are completely abandoned even in late games.
I will agree on an open map cav are really really shining this patch in 1v1s. I know cav already dominated teams.
Mangos are making a showing but i agree springalds aren’t present bc how lil melee infantry is present. I like that cav are more prevalent in main combat now with this patch. But maybe its a lil too prevalent??
Let’s see more data. I wish aoe4world.com could parse from all the public profiles how many of each unit is made and sort it by rank. This would give us real world stats to digest and form stronger opinions.
What about we turned springalds back to anti siege but they will die easly to archers like in this last patch.Also their techs will remain the same no more range bonus.
Imo if ever we need a legit range counter to siege it should only be accessible in imperial and that’s why i like an idea, in order to appease those that wish it, that the university upgrade chemistry now grants bombards bonus damage vs all siege. This will make bombards the official anti siege, but no so strong that you can snipe. Just a lil bonus where it takes 1 less bombard shot to kill most siege.
Only if you’re talking about the pre-patch mini-game. We can nerf springald range to match that of the mangonel or something, and slightly reduce their base damage so that it takes a few more shots to kill. Meanwhile they can be soft-countered by ranged units, then problem solved no? You can even add a pack/unpack feature to springalds. There’s so many possible options for them to address the problem.