Siege towers should be half price

TC repair cost 550 wood. Siege Tower will cost only 187 wood. Almost 1/3rd of a TC.

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Some civs should lose access to siege towers with the above buff, like Mongols.

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i dont mean the repair cost of tc vs repair cost of siege tower, tc got annex part so its always more expensive

keep on raising the wood cost and it’ll cost as much as a tc to repair minus the stone of course

Maybe allow siege tower built by m@a in feudal age to counter tower rush

I think the problem is that most players forget its existence and simply don’t use it. This will not change with any changes you make to the unit.

The players who do use it do it often with great success, despite it not costing half as much as it does.


(note the comment feedbacks from people who tried it)

Okay, premise accepted, now we dig into the nuance.

I’ll need you to explain to me for what balance reason the Siege Tower needs to cost as much wood as fifteen halberdiers.

Consider it’s trash strength in the frame that it only takes ~400 wood in selling to make the gold for a capped ram, and a capped ram does a similar job with the benefit of destroying buildings and directly countering the Siege tower.

If you dropped the gold cost and replaced it with nothing it’s not clear to me that it will dominate trash fights. I might assert it’ll still be underused even with that help. Any civ with good Hussars are likely to just… use the hussars, and raid instead of fighting a straightforward trash war, making even a basically costless siege tower irrelevant.


I don’t think players forget about siege tower. They just know that it’s bugged and you can loose the game because of it.
It happened to me several time to cannot manage to drop my units on the other side of the opponent’s walls. If it doesn’t work the first time, it takes away all the surprise effect.

If the unit wasn’t bugged, Im sure we would see it much more often.


I guess for the same reason it cost more gold than 2 Paladin. I just didn’t want to remove the gold cost without some disadvantage.

The unit is already too expensive. Making it cost the same amount of resources as a TC is wild. 200 wood, no gold and we still wouldn’t see the unit used very much because it’s so bugged. The premise of costing gold for a non-military unit is crazy. It’s basically just a transport ship for land. Transport ships have half the capacity but only cost 125 wood, no gold.


Maybe some minor trample damage for any units blocking its path. Realistically, defending units could have easily got injured if they walked in front of a moving siege tower, so I don’t think it would be historically inaccurate. And it would certainly justify the gold cost to include trample damage.

How is it bugged? I would like to try and reproduce the bugged behaviour in scenario editor as I’ve never had any issues myself.

Biggest issue, according to me is dropping units on the other side of the wall. Often it doesn’t work well. Units get stucked or exit the siege tower on the wrong side, or partially on the wrong side.

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Transport ship can’t hop wall, nor get extra speed for garrisoned infantry. I think 200 wood 60 gold will be a fair price. And obviously all the bug needs to be removed.

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Seems to be working just fine now. :man_shrugging:

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Maybe try with more units? How about full capacity?

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Looks like almost fixed. At the last attempt 1 unit stayed behind. And when you garrison again it teleported to the other side without commanding the siege tower to do so.

I proposed these changes a time ago that work all togheter:

  1. Siege tower no longer has the ability of garrisoning units.

Bye to meme taxi siege towers

  1. Siege tower has deployed and undeployed states (just like trebuchet, packed and unpacked). When you order to “attack” a wall, the siege tower goes to the wall and start to deploy (same as trebs but next to wall). Units commanded to “garrisone” in deployed tower jump the wall like nowdays and go to the rally point*

Reduced the micro needed

  1. Undeployed Siege Tower (packed): Same stats as now. No attack.

Could have very low LOS

  1. Deployed (unpacked): Gain more melee armor. Can’t move but shoots arrows (3 damage, 5 range no affected by BS upgrades like TCs).

The goal of give it very low attack is just give the chance of counter the re-walling behind the walls. You will not kill any vil with 3 attack but at least will delay the second wall. 5 range is enough to denay any building, forcing the opponent to wall further away and let an space behind the wall to deploy troops

  1. Deployed ST gains rally point feature.

Really needed to make the ST use more dynamic and avoid the pass blocking

  1. Siege Tower only can be deployed by “attacking” a wall

This mean that undeployed ST has not the “unpack” button and deployed ST has only the “pack” button.
This is to avoid possible exploits like Siege towers behind woodlines

It achieves the same thing. Wall up your island, i can still hop your walls with a transport ship by sailing past your palisade and depositing my units. It’s the same idea.

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