Siege towers should be half price

Ah I see your point.

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You definitely get it.

So yeah. Why in the world does Siege tower cost gold at all?

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A video where it works doesn’t mean Siege Towers are not bugged. Siege Tower is buggy to the extent that graphic elements are sometimes incorrectly taken into account. This means that units are incorrectly dropped. Even if this happens once in 100 times, it’s still too much.

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I guess I want to touch on this.

Yes, surprise is useful. But you can’t un-surprise with a siege tower. You can unsurprise with a petard bust. Granted, petards require a castle first, but that’s almost a given with early pressure on walled opponents (except for the unorthodox siege tower play from a smush or general siege pressure like on Hideout)

Even if the siege tower never had any issues with deployment, I would still prefer to pay for two petards to bust a hole that I can get into and out of, and allow me to bring cavalry and possibly siege in, not just unmounted units.

The niche for the siege tower is limited and even in it’s use case you can argue better options to do the same thing exist at a cheaper rate.


1 ram + 1 Mangonneau do the job on arena also. With the siege tower, the opponent hust need to make TC and then what. Nothing.

The only solution is to go all in push but in this case, better the make siege weapons in priority instead of siege tower.

The problem with Siege Towers is that they are currently practically APC (armoured personnel carriers) and not a siege weapon.

They get very fast when fully garrisoned because they get 2x the speed boost from Infantry compared to the Rams.

This speed boost should be reduced and then the Siege Tower can be made a lot cheaper.
It was also suggested to give the Militia Lime the ability to construct Siege Towers on the battlefield, this would make them a lot more flexible.

Just thinking:

What if give 1 age earier (Age 2) as Siege ladder or Escalade, which is weaker, cannot garrison (garrison unit eject out 1 block away from ladder immediately) and then could upgrade into siege tower later (might as well cheaper as there is upgrade in consideration). Or if you want, could be build by infantry.

With this, would more incentive for infantry play in Age 2 by jump over wall and raid eco or trash some buildings.

P.S. in case of unit moving from garrison command, make it unpack and stand ground when order attack the wall.

Siege towers are a nische and rare unit, but when it is their time to shine they’re really fun to use. I think their cost and availability is appropriate for that context. Not every single unit in the game has to be ubiquitous.

Seems okay. I’d the speed and cost slightly.
Siege Tower cost 200w/160g → 150w/40g.
Siege Tower speed 0.8 → 1
Garrisoned infantry increases speed by 0.05 → None

Bugs like this are hard to recreate in scenario editor. Just like trying to make units teleport or make them backwards moonwalk glide won’t work on cue either. But we’ve all seen the teleport bug and gliding in ranked games.

I’d prefer a slow, but very tanky siege tower. Something like 10/10 armor. Could gain the hussite wagon armor class to be hard countered by mangonels.

Plus, add the possibility o get back from theyou jumped in.

That’s also good. I thought it will be a good move to make a new trash unit that paired with infantry. Also using them for transportation of infantry is very fun way to play imo.