Slinger v huskarl?

No, liereyy sad that hand cannons are trash and they need buffs

A lot of people would beg to differā€¦ And coincidentally most of the gunpowder civs are bottom tierā€¦ Italians, porto and turksā€¦ Heck even Spanish arenā€™t top tierā€¦

People crying about Knights, eagles, onagers, goth flood, not once ever heard someone remotely concerned about HC except for the incredibly risky and situational turk fast imp. So just by inference we can realise HC suck goat balls.


This is not related to HC.

HC is perfectly fine doing what they are suposed to do: kill infantry. They even stand up against cavalry line once massed.

It is. Because the HC is so badly outperformed by the Arbalest, it hurts civs that specialize in it.

This is wrong.


so do 10 other units, HCs donā€™t even do that right because they take so long to mass up and the infantry can just swarm over you; HCs are also frail. Also no ballistics, low accuracy long reload time means they canā€™t really counter infantry on open maps.
The meatshield argument also doesnā€™t hold up, arbs with Hussars are also effective, even better at killing pikes because accuracy, fire rate and ballistics (yeah broken record)


@JonOli12 @JoJo9942

Seems like we aint playing the same game 11 bb. :smile:

yeah dude you must be playing on a future patch because HCs on my game are still expensive, hard to mass units and their only impressive stat is that 17 ranged damage


I think they play the right game. You will never mass Hand Cannons in early imp because of Chemistry while you can mass Archers even in the Feudal Age. Archers can kill every infantry expect Eagles and Huskarls, most likely you will lose against the American civs and Goths because Eagles are much more expensive than Hand Cannons and Goths will easily overspam your Hand Cannons and you will need meatshield.


I made a thread about that.
I have made a smooth UI as a mod


I guess we are. On AoE2 DE, HCs are so bad, Infantry can actually overwhelm them.