So, Relic is moving on to something new, while World's Edge is procrastinating?!

LOL, yeah I saw the comments and steam threads. They are like what we are… “OoHH grefics r baid! RIP me iyes!”

I just gave their preview build a shot. It’s pretty stable for me, and the gameplay is pretty good (if I compare it with my past CoH experiences). Granted I played it for 30 mins or so thus far. I am still however more excited for AOE IV since I always liked that franchise. CoH is good too…but there are far too many CoH clones, and I am kinda tired of playing WW based strategy games.


you can say that. But I can be of a different opinion. I just played it. Its stil a different game with different focus and looks just as well. It simply has a different artstyle.


I am neither of the opinion they are betetr, nor am I more immersed. Actually I am less immersed, but thats simply because of CoH Gameplay

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I dont get it. both games have grahics fitting their style well. But CoH will play differently, and thats what its about.


I still say graphics are not important honestly. The irony is that, now CoH “veterns” and fans are saying models and graphics look cartoony. I have played the preview build for about 30-40 minutes today…it is pretty solid- won’t lie (comparing it to CoH1 and 2). But anyways, for me it’s definitely gameplay first. I am not saying you’re wrong in any way.

I don’t know whether MS can change the art assets at this point. It’s a done deal. I don’t know much about how graphics get made in the first place so I don’t know how hard or easy it is to re-do something. But I am pretty sure MS is past graphical changes. They’re more in tweaking and balancing the game from what I read out there.


I hope CoH3 does well, and it makes sense for Relic to do this now. I don’t find modern warfare RTS games particularly interesting, but it’s always good for the genre to expand.


Yep, I was expecting a Vietnam coh3 not another ww2 but still will play it just because they respect their community.

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They are taking Humankind approach (also made by SEGA), and that game have won a lot of die hard CIV fans. It made them think if Firaxis has been milking them with CIV 6. And more CIV fans are also willing to try it on release (I am one of them, also active in their forums too).

You’re correct 100%. Demos & preview build boosts confidence in a product. I don’t know why companies don’t make demos anymore. Amount of money they throw on marketing, even if they spent half of it on a demo creation they probably get more solid sale before and on release.


exactly. I also already saw the negative comments regarding the free playable campaign. Becuase its unhistoric :smiley:

tbh the graphics are "not 2021"just as age 4s. But they are neat, and its an RTS, it doesnt need to top notchest graphics^^


To be honest, we kinda do know how it looks and kinda have an idea how it will play. They have already said it’s a Age 2 with modern takes. But your points are valid. The release structure is upside down. I would like to test the game too and see if they are doing justice making a new game.


It’s not huge. CA is around 800 employees and work on a single big AAA title each time,and usually comes out great. Relic is still relatively small, it’s not Blizzard. As an AoE fan I just don’t like hearing that my franchise’s new studio split its forces on two very different and major titles and was working on them at the same time. Especially when this studio just came out of the failure that DoWIII was. Then I also get to hear that this other title already gets full actual gameplay reveal, pre alpha test and is coming like a year after my long, long awaited AoEIV. Then I also get to see how many people are already quite disatisfied with what AoEIV had to show, call it unpolished, cartoony, lazy and whatever else. I just have no reason at all to be happy with any of that. I would have given my franchise to someone who would be able to also give it their full attention. But I guess this is normal when you have scrapped the original team a long time ago and you’re now forced to contract a third party studio that you do not even own and this studio is also bounded by its owner to deliver something for them and not just sit around.


For a pre-alpha version It looks Better than AOE4 and brillant and realistic at same time


Ever played that Steampunk based COH game (sorry I forgot the name)? It was okay-ish. I also think Relic can certainly expand on modern warfare RTS genre with CoH 3. Best of luck to them too.

They definitely had a hard time surviving after THQ bankruptcy and now SEGA just want them to make RTS games with microtransactions (SEGA had it removed in DOW 3 after backlash). Anyways, I wish them best of luck with CoH 3 too. I am not a super fan of CoH series but I play them too. Gonna watch out for this one when it releases.


That’s cool, I’m fine with that. I just find it interesting is all. I just thought that AoE4 could use the extra feedback too but for whatever reason, it’s not ready for playtesting as opposed to CoH3, apparently, you can even share clips, info, whatever you want with it (according to the disclaimer), that’s a contrast compared to AoE betas!

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Also a bit late but I would say graphics matters more than you might think. It’s a fair argument that identification of units, areas of interests and buildings are very important. Especially now that e-Sports is more and more common. This is probably one of the primary reason(s) why in AoE2:DE that we don’t and probably won’t see any official changes to common units such as cavarly sharing the same European heraldry and such. (that and it’s a remaster of a well established franchise).

On a similar note, the discussion of CoH makes me want to see more Ancestors Legacy. That was an excellent medieval take on CoH’s formula.

Donwloading the alpha: It’s pretty cool to have a 1GB fiber line: 19GB of game in 2:50 minutes


Yep. It’s 2021 and a company that gets a contract for an external product releases a playable build of its own core product and everyone is amazed. Confused yet? Don’t be this is how real world works.


Dang. You love to do graphical comparisons don’t you. Two different products- two different ways of presentation. That’s all. Stop wasting your time. Also pretty jealous of your fast internet connection.


I am a bit worried but Relic releasing a playable build for a next game meaning more time went into balancing and polishing AoE 4. I think. Wait and see what happens.