I just bought the Aoe4 companion book (only 24 euro from Amazon warhouse) and it’s really good, very well made.
I was obviously interested to see the art of this game and i found something that really made me sad
First of all, this Is the part relating to E-sport
So, It’s pretty clear that AOE4 have been oriented to E-sport despite the main base of players (casual)
About the the critized artstyle and Graphic quality, that’s what the Art director said
How many People said that textures are very low and this game doesn’t seem a next generation RTS? Or it’s unacceptable to see this quality for a 2022 game? What about the beatiful models made by Essence Engine? (See the latest screenshots i made for CoH3 new alpha version).
This Is how models look like:
And now what how the 3d artworks and sculptures were originally made
See the difference between One of the main character of the Norman campaign
And what made me very angry: these are the First models of english knight made with the Essence Engine. I had already seen that model After the "famous video leaks from Relic entertainment in 2018. Me and some others users here seen that models and some little video recorded of motion capture with real horses and knight. So i was sure about medieval Times since the 2018).
Honestly i was expecting this quality Graphic when they announced Aoe4 and after seeing that leak. So you can imagine my disappointment when they showed the First trailer.
I Really Hope the Next Aoe title Will have this Graphic. I Will not accept another graphic downgrade
the best we can do everyone here is refund the game or not buying gamepass anymore as is part of their main revenue. Also not watching tourney streams for the same reason
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I’m not interested to E-sport. But what feels me sad it’s watching how this game could have been.
If AoE4 would sink definitely, could be a solución. So in the future, it will be relaunched with improvements similar to the Definitiva editions
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I don’t want Aoe4 Will be a failure because developers have put their efforts on this project. I would like simply to see a graphic DLC with new textures and effects to make this game more realistic.
I want these too. But actually dont see like that this could be.
Also confirmed the point that this game is an e sport and mp oriented game. there no need to feel bad for this game just move or correct by refund or stopping paying for the game by tourneys or game. ufortunatelly is the only way they could learn and get better.
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This must be an unpopular opinion, but I like the graphic style of AOE4. It might not look the best when you zoom in that much, but it’s quite good from the top-down RTS viewpoint. And it cuts a good balance between aesthetic appeal and clearness
Can’t refund on steam if you played it over a certain amount of hours and if you’ve owned it over 14 days, otherwise I would have done it months ago.
It looks Disney/fantasy, also no blood and corpses won’t help, I don’t see the medieval in the game.
at least help with changing the review score and warning everyone as othe rin this forum and others
I think if you compare with the last few images you can clearly see the “problem” with the artstyle.
Its not being “cartoony”. The polygons are great. The models are not by design disproportional (except the weapon). But the in game model lacks a lot of details like stains, dents and reflections, especially on the metallic parts. You just see large blobs of bright color.
Ok, but there’s a big difference between these models
Textures are really low and also models seem not detailed in the First image.
What i would like understanding Is why? Did Essence Engine not support DLSS? Because this feature answering to the main performance issues for some players.
Yes the last few images (if they were early model designs) have great textures and details.
The actual in game models however got rid of most. I wonder why they made this decision.
In contrast, early models in COH3 alpha had little textural details and were criticized as “cartoony” so they later added more stains and dents to them.
Yes, they added more details on units and i love It
As you can see, this model of italian soldier is pretty similar to the medieval knight model. So, i Guess, these were the models on what Relic generally working on.
For some art direction, they choosed to downgrade the Graphic.
So, my personal suggest could be implementing a new Engine, maybe U5 (the most supported) for the next title.
In this case you’ll have the best Graphic+performance with DLSS.
if it weren’t for things like this I could agree with you

And surely stop posting on the forum as well!
I’m sure it’s performance related. They clearly tried to keep the required specs as low as possible.
AoE has way more units in play than CoH.
AoE2 has an enhanced graphics pack you can download, but I wonder if something like that would even work here. In AoE2 it’s all 2d sprites, not 3d models like here. Personally I like the graphics just fine.
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nope until the problems are solved
I think this aspect would request a total rework on textures models but i dunno if World’edge or Relic will do it. That’s the game; that’s the Engine. We can only hope the next title will implement a different Engine.