Someone doesn't like somerhing: nerf, ban, fix it šŸ™ˆšŸ™‰šŸ™Š

One decided to execute ā€œgo UP into deadā€. (well known strategy since aoe2).
And immediately croud shouts ā€œFrance is fineā€ , look at this one game. castle age France are loosing to feudal age, so thatā€™s fine (sarcazm).
No itā€™s not.

can u share ur name in the game to check ur ELO?
cant find u here Age of Empires IV Leaderboards - Age of Empires
@ Jeddsworth the link for ā€œsomething like ratingā€

I hope to see at least 60% winrateā€¦ a knowledgeable commander must win constantly.

You can see your Elo at Age of Empires IV Leaderboards - Age of Empires

There is no actual ranked mode enabled yet but your hidden Elo is keeped track of

Bro, will all respects I suppose you are on the multiplayer games enough to know that more hours in a game doesnā€™t necessarily means more ELO. Can you imagine how the world would be? In other games having 2000h on a game doesnā€™t guarantee you to be top player.

One thing is the understanding of how works the game and other is how much ability and mechanics you have to win at games. Imagine creators content, Casters, analyst, admins, etc being pros, thatā€™s not how world works.

Probably I was not clear and enough and explained well on my post due there are a few that are focusing on skills.

You donā€™t need to be a pro gamer to know that this game is not that broken as some users are yelling, thatā€™s all my friend. Cheers!

Have you watched the Genesis tournament qualifiers? Tell me again that the civs are balanced. I donā€™t think you have played the game that much. An RTS with years of updates and hard work from developers can get to be near balanced. AOE4 with so many different mechanics and differences among civs canā€™t be well balanced after release. There are issues that need to be addressed.

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We are agree with it, but not at the way some users are yelling, there are better ways to tell devs to make minor fixes.

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Totally agree with you man. People just need to take some time with the game and find builds that work for them.

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still hiding nickname.
u asked for 1vs1 but cannot provide info how to contact u.

Ur words.

To understand balance, u need to ā€œknowā€ a game, not to be low elo legend who are building sim city.

Still, 99% of water maps are dodged for players who have skill.
Anyone can yell in that situation.

They fixing mongol rush (never played against that), but played on water against franks or being dodged on water - a lot.

Itā€™s not that we donā€™t like it , I even think that they should keep chivalry in feudal, the problem is that the French player will force you in to a more defensive playstyle, only the Rus can fight for early game map control well. He dictates the tempo and in a 1TC 1v1 he wins because of his eco bonus. The main difference between the French and the Rus are the Rus donā€™t have a discount on their knights and their eco upgrades demand more map presence and resources ( Wood forts, hunt killing ). And after playing some 70 games online with a 70-80% winrate there are some civ matchups that are very one sided ( HRE/Rus Delhi/England )
Also bro if you think that the French are balanced on water maps, play some solos and see how a mass of hullks shreds through Abbasids Imp ships.

France has many economic bonuses, it has an improvement where the knight heals only on the move in Feudal and has a ship with a rank that surpasses any other, not to mention its ā€œCrossbowmanā€.

The fact of thinking that France is only ā€œa little opā€, knowing that in the tournament more than 3/4 have used France in the decisive round, is not having understanding of the game or is a person who has France as their main.

That does not mean that sometimes they cannot be beaten, it is evident that out of 10 games, you can beat them one or the other, but that does not mean that they arenā€™t broken.

The french player didnā€™t even know about the independend reload on each side of the ship while Viper didā€¦
Those were huge l2p issues here by frenchā€¦

You canā€™t possibly take that as a prime example for ā€œfrench is fine and beatableā€.

I think moving chivalry to age 3 is a good solution along with maybe removing free attack upgrade from blacksmith (if they ppl want to keep the free attack tech then have the French player at least having to build the blacksmith and researching it, that way at least time is invested on it.)
Chivalry age 2 is a big deal because on early game players have very lĆ­mites ressources and loosing one or 2 units or too much hp snowball really quickly and it pretty much set up how the rest of the game is played.
These changes would keep the French competitive, early knights would still be viable and allow them to keep their other bonuses too while they must be more careful when overcommiting their knights.

The chivalry tech is not the problem with the French, knights fall off a cliff in castle because of the multiple counters that they have, the French do have a weaker time in castle because of this. The problems are that they have such a good combination of economy bonuses that they can produce knights constantly without a big economy hit, If you wanna go 2 stables feudal knights with the Rus you can chose a couple of upgrades and thats it. They need a nerf to the villager production it should start with 5% and then go to 10% in feudal and the biggest thing is to change how knights work by being slower on a disengage. Why the French feudal knight rush is soo good that they are the only ones that 2 shot vills. The Rus need a charge and 2 hits.

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If I had to do the personal balance to France, it would be as follows:

  • Go from Feudal to Castles the cavalry upgrade that gives you HP outside of battle.

  • Make a Rework to the French ship so that it is not so superior in Feudal due to its great range.

  • Completely remove the quick villagers bonus.

  • Increase the cost of the knights by 10-20 food and increase the cost of the arbalest by 10 gold.

With this, I would take them for balanced.

I think youre right but also overlooking the point of a lot of complaints. Itā€™s not necessarily that age 4 is bad, it just feels like a lot of previous features and qol that I as a consumer would expect to carry from previous iterations of the game should find their way into the newest and best 2021 iteration, but instead you can have more population in aoe2 DE for whatever reason, more native and unique aspects in aoe3, advanced commands just disappeared, it feels rushed and hugely disappointing as a fan of the series having been in anticipation of much much more.