Something is going on on SteamDB?

It’s a free portrait update for celebrating the release of RoR. Plus some balances and fixes.

Lol, I wouldn’t buy that…

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My dream is to have AoM with a Homecity system (plus more gods ofc)


That would be disappointing…to say the least. Ugh.

in celebration of AOM we’ll be getting greeks, egyptians and sweden buffs

We will get Danes, Egyptians and Greek civs :sunglasses:


Maybe we’ll get italy nerf where they start as the romans and have to play for 20 minutes to reach commerce age.

Centurion rush anyone?

Stop! I can get only so


They are not going to mix AoM with AoE 3, unless Retold fails in sales, which I highly doubt…

I always said that AoE 5 (now it would be AoE 6, since AoE 5 would have to be in the present) have to be in the future and serve as a prequel to Halo Wars, for example you will start with space colonization in 2025 (with spaceships of Space X) that would serve as “town centers” and in the last age you make the first contact with the Covenant in 2525…

No, at most they add to the Greeks (obviously modern) those of the Greek war of independence (the evzone would be the skirmisher in industrial) and lastly the Byzantine cataphract serves as a hussar in the 2nd age…

No, Trajan’s campaign (along with Sargon and Pyrrhus) are from AoE 1…the Romans from AoE 2 will not receive a campaign, just obviously appearing as enemies in Alaric’s and Attila’s campaigns…

If you look closely, the bottom left button is blue, which means that it is AoE 1 (the official AoE 2 DE data mod is because it is the standard game without any modification, like any other AoE 2 campaign) …remember that the AoE 2 DE buttons are red…


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Yeah, in fact, it looks a lot like the buttons from AoE 1 DE’s menus, so Trajan as well as the other two campaigns are definitely with the AoE 1 civs:

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Yeah, what would be nice is that they accommodate AoE 1 campaigns per continent and the next dlcs like AoE 2:

  1. Africa: Ascent of Egypt (Egypt)-The First Punic War (North Africa)-Enemies of Rome (in the Mediterranean like the Historical Battles of AoE 2)

  2. Asia: Voices of Babylon (Middle East)-Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun (Far East)-Reign of the Hattis (Turkey)

  3. Europe: Glory of Greece (Greece)-The Rise of Rome (Southwest Italy)-Ave Caesar (France)-Imperium Romanum (Northwest Italy)

  4. Return of Rome: Trajan (Central Europe)-Pyrrhus (West Greece)-Sargon (Middle East)

They will add the Persians to AoE3 when they add a Median civilization to AoM Remastered. The Qizilbash, however, will ride a Simurgh into battle.


Another Microsoft build depot was dusted off, microsoft_build_final, which was last updated in August.


Judging by the Changed Steam Deck Compatibility section, I think the SteamDB move was just compatibility fixes for the Steam console, but I may be wrong.

Honestly, I hope I’m wrong, I like to think a double DLC is coming. :worried:


A new DLC would be nice ngl.


Yet even the steam deck compatibility change is never mentioned anywhere.
Do you see this game on the front page? Twitter? Any advertising event? Does it even exist? Why release a game you don’t want to mention?
Does someone think downplaying this game will encourage players to “transition” to some other games in the series? Quite a few people already paid for all games and will continue to do so.

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Yep just bought all of the DLC recently, this game stil is the most fun AoE for me.


yep a new civ of pirates is coming

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Haiti? xd…(for Tortuga island)…

If we really have a pirate themed civ, I’d rather it be the republic of Nassau. Haiti has more to offer than just pirates.