Spain Upgrade and Italy Repair

Its a TEAM card. Ofc it underperforms if you only consider ONE player. And you completely neglect the cost reduction for church techs. This card is not meant for treaty

Pls no. They are super cheap and cost no population

Its used all the time.

Wood is more valuable than gold in this game, so rods are only slightly more expensive. 60 hp and +7 attack is a lot.

You are not supposed to only spam one type of unit you know? Every unit is trash on its own (or atleast should be, because otherwise its OP)
You combine lancers and rodeleros because they cover each others weaknesses very well

I guess your elo would improve if you would use rodeleros + lancers🤷‍♂️


So you have no problem with indian tiger counter-skirmisher multipleir low cost and no population as well??? Thst strange. I based my proposal on how pets are implemented in other nations that have them.

It doesn’t matter how much experience is generated. You only need to look at shipments. And +1 shipment at 0.10 stream will appear only at 80 minutes. They should remake this card then.

Give me a screenshot pls.

That is why I say that a nation with three upgrades of melee infantry was deprived of this unit-type, making the only mass-produced melee infantryman total trash!!! why don’t you agree with me?

The Dutch, French and Portuguese have no problems with a mass attack with halberdiers, why should Spain, which specializes in melee infantry, have such problems. It wasn’t me who came up with a set of cards for them! And it wasn’t me who came up with this UNIQUE unit for them.

Why would I use weak rodelleros if I can combine lancers with skirmishers?!

You clearly don’t have enough to understand what the problem is. This unit weak and useless. That’s why normal players don’t use it. And not because they don’t know how, Jesus Christ!

I have a problem with 25 wardogs - yes. Tbh ive never seen an india player using tigers outside of troll decks, spain uses dogs constantly. Ethiopia gets something like 25 lions in an entire match, you suggest spain should be able spam hordes of dogs nonstop.
Pets countering skirms is no issue - yes

The concept of team cards my friend… if you have a 3v3 it will generate +5 (2x3-1) shipments in 80 min… for a 4v4 it would be +7 (2x4-1)… Additional to the resource cost of church techs. Also gatherrate of xp matters since it allows you to send hc shipments faster than your opponent.
So you (french) sacrifice 1 shipment so that the rest of your team is constantly ahead in shipment timing. Its not OP or anything, but you dont understand the concept of this card.

Ok seriously… just look at spain buildorders or pro matches (as all the other people pointed out)

Monocomps dont work / should not work. The halbardier pushes i know are only pushes. They are designed to overwhelme the enemy BEFORE he can build proper counters and they often have supporting units like 2 falcs. In prolonged fight monocomps will always loose

Skirms counter Infantry, lancers counter infantry
Skirms get countered by heavy cav, lancers get countered by heavy cav. Rods counter heavy cav.

The combination of skirms and lancers is weak. You waste resources in upgrading 2 units to counter basically the same thing and you are super vulnerable to cav. Any player with a basic understanding of the countersystem can beat skirm + lancers.
You dont pair skirm + rod because they get killed by monocomp skirm or artillery and they are slower.

Lancers kill skirms + artillery
Rods kill cav + anticav
Age 3 you bring 2 falcs to kill heavy inf, but rods are also ok-ish against them


10% faster :grinning:

I don’t want to watch recreational content. I play this game from release. 1300 hours total. I play with top 15 elo players, and according to you, they only make rodeleros for the camera.

I’m not saying that the battle should be won by one type of troops. I’m saying that their troops of the appropriate type CAN fight for just one card. And a Spanish soldier of the SAME TYPE cannot fight for 5 cards. PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS ARGUMENT.

:smile: :smile: :smile: Have you yourself tried to fight rodeleros against musketeers?

10% is 10% … What do you say about cards like +10% attack or +10% gatherrate (… in age 1 + as a teamshipment)

You played against one of them once… dont bragg too much xD

I dont say rodelero is the right answer 100% of the time
… But most of the time… Like the wast majority of times

Haha no. Do u really think there is a meta only for streamers :joy: do you think pro gamers only film themself playing a bad buildorder and keep loosing? Thats insane.

So what? Is this some kind of #### meassuring contest here? I have more hours on classic than you in total :slight_smile:

They have the same tag as them, but they are very different types of units and are used for other purposes, and if they can 1v1 each other or not doesnt matter at all. Opprichnikis lose against all heavy cav, but they are the gods of massacering villagers… nobody would claim they are bad at their job.

Musketeer =/= all heavy infantry. Im talking about pikes

If you want we can play later in a test environment. Everyone gets post-imperial settings and a certain ammount of ressources. Everyone builds an army and we see which of them wins. You can try skirm+lancers and i do rod+lancers


Correcto, España necesita un rework militar. Menos la caballería, está mal enfocada.

Como bien dices los rodeleros nunca tenían que haber sido unidad anticav tan fuerte.

Deberían dar prioridad a los piqueros y añadir arcabuceros para poder combinarlos.

No sería una combinación rota, sería divertida. Es más, podrías añadir rodeleros perfectamente y no sé interpondrían.

¿A quien no le gustaría comandar un tercio de verdad?

Im stupid. 0.1% faster.

No, I played with him on the same team and watched him play in Spain 1vs2. Not a single rodelero, that’s how it is. Apparently because it’s not on camera.

I already said that this is only a meat shield against melee infantry. He is too expensive for such a role.

No. This means the number of hours I did not see a rodelero on the battlefield.

This is not an answer to my argument. This is a story about guardsmen who slaughter settlers and destroy trading posts in seconds in rat attacks. Rodleros do not have siege damage as well as basic damage. His role on the battlefield is the same as that of a halberdier, he’s just 1.5 times worse.
The answer to my argument is an explanation of how a unit that receives an improvement from 4 (I was wrong last time) cards is 1.5 times weaker than a unit that receives an improvement from only one card.
You don’t have an answer. Because you’re wrong. And you know it.

I’m not saying anything about pikemen; even skirmishers beat them in melee, if you didn’t know.
Okay, but I’ll play France. To be honest. And you will use a rodelero. France just has all types of troops.

Es que desde siempre fueron ridículos los rodeleros, corren como Usain Bolt y vencen a la caballería con una espada corta. Mientras que un piquero con una lanza de 4/5 metros no es la mejor unidad anticaballería.

Pero como sé que no van a cambiar al rodelero por ser una unidad del juego clásico, yo había propuesto que la carta “tácticas de tercio” le quitara el bonus contra caballería a los rodeleros, les diera un x2 contra infanteria pesada y les redujera la velocidad a 5. Y la misma carta haría que el piquero cueste monedas. En segunda edad podrías enviarte esa carta y combinar piqueros para matar caballería, rodeleros para infanteria pesada y húsar para infanteria ligera. Y ya en tercera edad usarías piqueros, escaramuzadores (con otro aspecto) más lanceros.

You still didnt manage to say anything against this btw:

You pick minor points and fail to argue about the major stuff xD
Just accept that you didnt understand what a teamcard is and made a bad argument

Sry, you played with one pro once and now think you have an idea of how the majority of pros play spain

Maybe ask your pro friend what he thinks about rods… whats his name btw? :wink:

I see them constantly in higher elo and on lower elo than yours :slight_smile:

Except its not. Halbs are more generalist. They have lower speed, lower multipliers against cav, higher base attack(-> this is btw why they are more generalist), more hp, less resistance and cost more. Rods are more specialized

Exactly. Im talking about all heavy inf (wich includes pikes) and you can only think about musketeers. Thank you for proofing my point :smiley:

Sure. The original point was for you to proof that skirm + lancers are usefull, but i can also lancer + rod against your french armies. Send me a dm with your discord or smth


The bonus against heavy infantry will make the rodelero again highly specialized and ultimately useless. At the same time, we have an excellent example with halberdiers. They are good against all types of troops including buildings. Rodуleros have less HP but more armor. It’s balanced. It has more speed, but less damage to buildings. This is also balanced. But I don’t understand why his normal damage was reduced. This is the main problem with this unit.

Eso es lo que eran los rodeleros, su función era meterse entre los muros de picas cuando se enfrentaban los piqueros de ambos ejércitos. Y estaría perfecto que sean inútiles al final, solo se utilizaron un poco en el siglo 16 y 17. En el siglo 18 y 19 ya no existían.

I know it. And I also know that they showed themselves excellently in battle against the local American tribes. In fact, that’s where they were mainly used. OH the game is exactly about this. So do they work against the Inca, Lakota and Aztecs in the game or not? I don’t think so. Do they counter natives? Also no.

The fact that the Halberdier makes the pikemen obsolete is hillarious in itself :smiley:

Y eso es lo que estoy diciendo, España debería estar enfocada en su infanteria, piqueros más escaramuzadores. Ellos deberían reemplazar al rodelero, que no fue tan importante, era algo más secundario.

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Y el piquero es “arcaico” mientras que el alabardero no, siendo que es de la edad media

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A good idea for a pikeman, but you can’t tie the rodelero upgrade to a tercio. Because then Spain won’t lose the cavalry card. That is, this will not be a build through infantry, but simply strengthening Spain. Tying the rodelero upgrade to the dog card reflects the tactics of the first conquistadors. It was very difficult for horses there; they were mostly eaten.

Eso se demostró que no era así exactamente y si se usaron en los tercios solo fue al comienzo de su creación.

Pero bueno creo que con poder combinar picas y arcabuces, muchos estaremos contentos.

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You very often talk about arquebusers, but do not say what exactly this unit should be.


It should be like an upgraded crossbowman so it doesn’t have a huge impact on the game.

This topic has already been discussed many times and one of the most optimal options would be to introduce them through an improvement of crossbowmen. Let the crossbowmen transform into harquebusiers or something like that.

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We already have Landwehr for Germany and Ordinance Rifleman for Portugal which are supposed to be upgrade for Crossbows yet I have to see a game where they are used.