Spanish Musketeer and pikeman and sentinel

Tienes mucha razón, España debería recibir el mismo tratamiento que México teniendo sus unidades exclusivas, para que sea mas fiel histórica y culturalmente

But Pikemen and Arquebusiers are by no means uniquely Spanish units. They weren’t even the best at pike and shot tactics since the Dutch and Swedes innovated upon what the Spanish pioneered.


Please no. The addition of Azaps was horrible, taking two different units with two wildly different functions and mixing them together wasn’t a good idea.

A pike and Musketeer could be combined (at least in theory), but units from different unit classes need to not mix.


This. This. This!

I think a lot of the comments on here revolve around a lack of archaic units that would be included in the timeline, which is a topic bigger than just Spain!


I think the issue here is that the spanish civ is built around conquistadores, not Tercios, which is what people actually do associate with Spain during this period. Also because the game was originally themed around colonizing the Americas although that bus left a long, long time ago.

If you bear that in mind the Rodelero + Lancer combo makes a lot more sense, as well as the regular military in the barracks. In a roundabout way it may be a more decent representation than trying to shoehorn Tercio tactics which is very difficult to push to the players, one of the three pieces of the puzzle is just gonna be redundant in most cases.

Also, as much as Arquebusier is a silly name for the chinese unique unit, calling a spanish unique unit Arquebusier is at least as much if not immensely more silly, there’s nothing uniquely spanish about them.


As much as calling a random unit Soldado lol and Im mot in favour of a Spanish arquebushier


Hay tres unidades en el juego con el nombre arcabucero, todas son infanteria ligera. Arcabucero chino, arcabucero bereber, y el arcabucero sueco (que tiene una skin del siglo 17)

España ya tiene una skin única para el piquero tercio, y es una skin del siglo 16 /17, no seria nada raro un arcabucero de tercio.

Las picas y las ballestas son unidades complementarias, por eso sus skins y su temática deben ser similares, porque se supone que se van a usar juntas. Vos habías dicho que cambien a las ballestas españolas por la guardia civil del siglo 19. Eso queda muy mal con el piquero que tiene una skin del siglo 16, no combinan.


Imaginaría que en un supuesto caso que se reemplacen los Ballesteros con la Guardia Civil imaginaría la misma carta también tendría que reemplazar los Piqueros con, yo qué se, Serenos, Celadores o algo así. No es que realmente abogue por estos cambios, era más un argumento de que si lo que quieren es “modernizar” España tienen que enfrentarse con la realidad de lo que modernizarla implica. En fin

Imaginaría que el único lugar en que encajaría este Arcabucero es como reemplazo del Ballestero para que este set up haga sentido.

Eso es lo que estoy diciendo, que con una carta se cambia al ballestero por un “arcabucero de tercio”

Y el argumento es que si ya hay un piquero tercio, es mejor que su unidad complementaria sea un arcabucero en lugar de una ballesta. Ya que los tercios eran piqueros, mosqueteros y arcabuceros

Spain is not builded around conquistadores, Spain is build around “lol, la gran armada”. They wanted to depict
Spain as the “early bird” of the america’s colonization, thus the bonus of fast shipments and the idea of giving a box of gold with every shipment (Spanish Gold Card).
I would actually want to see a proper Spanish conquistador as an archaic dragoon or something.

How are those two concepts, in any meaningful manner, diferent?

Like yes, conquistadores were the early birds of the colonization of the Americas. Spanish armies were, well, Rodeleros and Xbows and Lancers and whatnot.

If anything what you’re asking for, Conquistador as an archaic dragoon, is more of a fantasy than what the civ already has.

That’s what the Dutch say? Black legend…, then why did the Spanish Tercios dominate Europe for 200 years?

He’s not knocking the Tercios and their power for the the 200 years or whatever, he’s just saying the Dutch and the Swedes took what was being implemented and introduced innovative new tactics.

For example, the Dutch Maurice of Nassau introduced proper volley-fire in the very late 16th century and we actually take it for granted that during much of AoE3’s timeline, musketeers are using volley-fire throughout.

Anyway, the bottom line is that all Euro civs in the game used Arquebuses and I don’t see why the Spanish alone (in the euro-sphere) need them as a unit. Sure they generally used heavier Arquebuses (at the time heavy Arquebuses were called muskets, confusingly) and early on they were all fairly well armoured, but it was a commonly used Euro weapon.

Personally, if there was ever a move to make them accessible, they would need to be either an HC shipment that via a weird ‘modernisation-but-still-antiquated’ format, replaces the Crossbowman line with Arquebuses, which does bring a few issues when we think of other civs such as Germans and Brits who can replace their archaic archers with much more modern units (which I still personally knew trainable as desperate unit lines) , or you can ship their card in and have them accessible alongside Crossbowmen. The problem then becomes ‘why?’. Why do we need them?

Personally I’d love to see them as I feel the whole 1500s side of AoE3 as fleeting in terms of units, however there needs to be justification.

The alternative, and the only one that sits outside that argument is just to give the Spanish a ‘Heavy Arquebusier’ (well, the Native Spanish version) via shipment or Politician (either the Adventurer, or just give them a new one, ‘The Conquistador’) - either way it enables reskinned/stat-jiggled Hand Cannoneers at the Tavern.

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The answer is obscene amounts of money they threw onto german mercenaries.


He said that the Tercios were not the best. The Spanish Tercios used veterans and were the bulk of the army. All the armies of that time were made up of mercenaries but the ones who decided the battle were the Tercios Viejos Españoles. The Spanish taught the Swedes how to fight in the battle of Nördlingen xDD.

You have to get information from several sources, not just trust one and the Anglo-Saxon one.

More like 100 years, not 200 !


I wonder how the Swedes ended up occupying southern Germany in the first place. :thinking:

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for two centuries (20 char)

Of course, in the end it was everyone against Spain.

What conflict are you even talking about?

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