Spanish Musketeer and pikeman and sentinel

soooo the Wettin trabants?

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Pero eso en medio de la batalla tampoco se ve. Simplemente ves a unos luchando con picas y otros con mosquetes. Una vez pasado el momento de cambio de armas, se ve más inmersivo.

Please…we don’t ask for much

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If what you’re aiming for is to advocate for “historicity” that’s the most terrible choice of gun you could have gone for.


Sometimes I wonder if AOE3 has tried to capture too much in a single game. AOE3 could have been more pike and shot era, thirty years war and leave the Napoleonic and later stuff for AOE4.

Of course all the other games cover huge periods too but something about AOE3 feels more crammed, maybe its my personal bias as I’m more aware of how much warfare and society in general changed in that time.

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If we do simple math, the game represents roughly 400 years of history, so if you split it up into the 5 eras you have in the game, each one would have to cover roughly 80 years. Which I think isn’t too hard to represent, and I don’t think it feels cluttered.

I think before the industrial revolution there weren’t any drastic changes technologically speaking, but after that everything changed exponentially.

However, the game has some issues, such as Age 1 not really being represented, a time when even archaic weaponry and the most primitive gunpowder weapons weren’t obsolete, and that’s why we see a lot of this in the Colonial Age.

Age 5 feels more like a enhanced Age 4, but it lacks its own identity. For example, there are no imperial shipments, buildings don’t improve in their architectural style, and you don’t unlock anything new. (except for capitol improvements and equivalents, and a few other exceptions).

In conclusion, practically everything is accumulated in 3 ages, of the 5 that the game has.

That’s why I think that doing a reboot, or remake of the game would be ideal at this point, where for example you could recruit units from age 1, and you wouldn’t have to advance to age 2 to enable military units. However, I like the initial game of AOE-3, where you explore the map and obtain treasures, but I think that age 1 could be redesigned to give more prominence to this transition period between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.

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I strongly disagree with this, it is a good thing the game isn’t “rush to buy units”, and is one of the primary reasons i like AOE3 over something like SC2. I like that the game has a limit on combat in the first 5 minutes, it wouldn’t make the game more fun if you had to start fighting in age 1.


I think I should be more clear. As I said, I like the design of AOE-3, where it has a good focus on exploration, but archaic combat has little prominence, and age 1 is a good scenario to recreate it.

I agree that starting battles around minute 5 should be maintained, but I think that troop creation can be postponed without the need to move to the second age. That is, in some way being able to build a barracks or any military building can only be done around minute 5-6, even though it can be built from age 1.

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I mean u can create troops in age 1 , everyone can do it.

u can send your minutemen the moment you have the res to do so and fight with those

the fact that even those have a bunch of negative multis on them against vils kinda hints as to what happened back in the day

Hello @Havel ,

If i recall correctly there is an mod that transforms the musketeer into an conquistador styled musketeer … Don’t know if that will help the ich for accuracy . And also related to the unit composition ,I think its important to have fun while forming the strategy and the deck and rolling out the units as the situation unfolds , so having diversity in units isn’t an bad thing , you just have to focus more on the counter measure to fight the adversary.

Kind regards,

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What? Militias are just a panic button. In Age 1, combat between soldiers practically does not exist.

It actually is used in certain matchups back in the day, like instant denying forward bases by russia and the like.

My point being is that if you want combat in age 1 its possible. Its not great but possible and if anything it can be degen (iirc when they first changed the otto milita unit, they forgot to add the negative multi to vils and it instantly resulted in age 1 attacks to vil harrass)

There are also other age 1 fights possible Spain with dogs, china with disciples, Native civs and france with scouts. India can even go tigers with a card in age 1. In team games there are even age 1 cards that can result in fights like age 1 team mongol scouts.

Its just pretty degen to play with and against.

I would rather if u want to do age 1 combat/ unit recruitment u have to forgo your base defense later.

edit: I also forgot about the native unit treasure fights which was also pretty degen and often just completely win games on the spot.


Some people have never known the joy of using TWC or finding a samurai treasure. Or the best cage of monkeys treasure, to deny forward bases or disrupt openings. Especially on RE


I am aware that the game was designed this way. I don’t intend to change anything. I enjoy the age of discovery. I’m just saying that in theory the game has 5 available ages, but it feels compressed into only 3 ages. To change this would require practically a new game (something very unlikely).


Don’t forget the ability to level the enemy TC in Age 1 in team games when, depending on how many players there are, a team made up entirely of Maltese players could theoretically rush with 16 Hospitallers at like 2:30.

Maybe delivered as Tercio Tactics Card for Spanish?

The Spanish were badly made from the ground up, a result of the terrible Vanilla or Legacy version of the game.

1.- Unit Symmetry.- Where they wanted ALL the civs to be THE SAME, similar to AoE2, but worse: since the unique units weren’t really unique, they were replacements for base units with some different stat, no unique ability, and there weren’t even unique technologies or buildings.

2.- 16th century musketeers with “anti-cavalry” bonus.- Which doesn’t make sense, “There’s a reason pikemen are there.” This totally screwed up the concept of the Spanish Tercio, where pikemen protect the Arquebusiers, but if the Arquebusiers already have attached bayonets (wich area anachronical, because they didn´t invent them unitl 1697), what are pikemen for? That’s why the Aztecs and native Civs make more sense by not having musketeers or substitutes for this, their Spearmans do work.

3.- They were Arquebusiers of Tercio, not musketeers, and not with bayonets.- The unit that the Spanish should have in Age II should be a “Unique Early Guerrilla” called "Arquebusier of Tercio", with low range, low HP, but cheaper (similar to Streltsy Rus) and without anti-cavalry bonus, so that it makes sense to have pikemen and rodeleros.

4.- Rodeleros with anti-cavalry bonus.- This doesn’t make sense, but it is understood that they were created in a time when “Shock Infantry” did not exist yet, so any extra infantry with “melee weapons” was automatically “anti-cavalry” and heavy infantry. Worse, the devs believed that the game would sell “Without expansions”, they never saw the horizon where there would be American or Asian civs with Shock infantry to replace light melee cavalry.

5.- Building Minimalism (Vanilla): By only putting the most basic buildings for military units, it ignored quite a bit of City Building, and worse because Spain should have the best City Build of all the civs, since they founded most of the capital cities of Latin America, with Haciendas, Universities, Cathedrals, but in the game there is none of that. Where is the Viceroyalty of Spain? Spain should have been like China or Japan, with Monuments to advance in Age. “Note: Partially corrected in the DE with a card that gives them 2 Haciendas.”

6.- Black legend to the max.- To the point of not only being filler villains in the Campaign, but also the Spanish Galleons created pirates, THE ENGLISH AND DUTCH WERE THE PIRATES.
“Note: At least it was corrected in the DE.”

7.- Incorrect Revolution (Warchieft).- Those who played Warchieft expansion, should already know the tragedy: where they wanted to give FALSE revolutions to the base civs, under the excuse of “balance” Spain did not have the amount of revolutions it deserved, and instead many of them were given to Russia or Germany, seeing monstrosities like Germany becoming Peru, or Ottomans becoming Chile, AN ABERRATION.
Note: Happily, this was fixed in the Definitive Editions, otherwise I wouldn’t play the game (I’m serious)


Things that can be done to improve:

Same as Rus, a remake of at least 2 units:

1.- Rodelero converted into anti-heavy infantry, similar to the jaguar warrior, but obviously with more melee armor. Reduce its anti-cavalry bonus a little (this is the role of the pikeman).

2.- Arcabucero de Tercio, new unit of 2nd Age replacing the Skirmisher. Musketeer newly available in 3rd Age (III). Spanish Guerrillero available only by Card in 4th Age replacing the Arquebusier ("Similar to the English Ranger replacing the Archer or the Portuguese “Ordinance Rifleman” replacing the Crossbowman).


I totally agree with you, mate.

Act like Urumi. It would work well, though they already have a lot of units like crowssbows, skirmishers and lancers dealing with infantry.

It could be simpler and easier to allow the Spanish Square card to also replace the crossbow with Tercio Arquebusier. Keep the Skirmishers representing the guerrillas.

  1. The problem is that nothing happens in the first age. (nonsense for the age of empires, where is my rush with warriors with a club!) Seriously. I don’t remember any compaingy scenario where the game starts at age 1. It’s stupid.
  2. Too cheap transitions between ages. (guys in my games take age 5 in 22 minutes, crazy)
  3. Wood should obviously be mined faster than gold (I personally haven’t tried it, but it seems to me that swinging a pickaxe in a mine and then smelting it all in a smelter takes much longer than felling a tree and chopping wood, another mistake)

On topic: leave the legendary Spanish crossbowman at peace. He just needs to add range. I, like you, would like to see guys in morions and with guns. But alas, only an explorer. And you won’t stick them anywhere. Because the game should feature 19th century troops. Again, alas.

hahahahaha good))) making them shock infantry would be too much.

It would be nice if the musketeer was only available at age 3 for everyone, but there is a problem. Some civilizations appeared so late that they do not have archaic warriors at all. Also, it is very strange to get horse archers only at age 3 (WHOA THAT IS HIGH TECH). Unfortunately, the game cannot be balanced for historical accuracy.