Spring Update: Speculations, Suggestions & Beyond

I would want on the spring update a buff for some of the newer cards for germany (Royal wagon for Prince Elector, Merc camp as default), but also a slighty better rework for some Euro civs that only got a handful of cards (Russians and Dutch specially).

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Just because it ends in 5? Tf

I’ve have to ideas but it’s true,United States’s cards rework name:
Scottish immIgrants(Age III)
• Gold 350 • food 390 • wood 260

  • Ships 12 Scottish clansmen. 5 Lochaber. 1 Bagpiper. 10 Bow Clansmen and 7 Highlanders Handed Swordsmen for each all Native Embassy、European’s Royal Embassy and barracks,Historically The Scottish immigrants to American is to Significant emigration from Scotland to America began in the 1700s, accelerating after the Jacobite rising of 1745 the steady degradation of clan structures, and the Highland Clearances Even higher rates of emigration occurred after these times of social upheaval The table shows the ethnic Scottish population in the British colonies from 1700 to 1775. In 1700 the total population of the colonies was 250,888, of whom 223,071 (89%) were white and 3.0% were ethnically Scottish Mostly these are thematic ideas is for Scottish immigrants to American but this that would help them competitively,Now This is the Scottish unit of the new royal house of Stuart House, which implies the coming of developers
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haha, yeah
Well, actually AOM has resurrected!
And AOE ONLINE is being supported by a few people at Project Celeste!

AOE1 is supported in Vietnam with Tournaments, but there we had no patches or updates to the game
We are going to have Return to Rome AOE2 DLC!

We will have the long awaited patch this February 14?.

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Yeah I agree with you about something that has been cooking in the oven this time
Spring update is coming!

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Sure, I know… I was referring to a general and mainstream level…I’m waiting for them to show some of AoM Retold and Return of Rome at some point and gameplay of the Indians of AoEO by the Celeste Project team…

Make it half the XP earned as HP and we get a deal. Azzy can steamroll. and suddenly getting 100 HP after killing a building is busted haha

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When do you think the PUP will come out, this week? next week? or next month? :upside_down_face:

Maybe before launching another event or dlc… maybe in March or April…

i like your concept, but we most be carefull with attack speed upgrade; that could give them too high a dps boost with the war ceremony. I would prefer it just increase the hp of the barrancon units and move it to age 2 (Aztecs already have a lot of military upgrade cards at age 3).

I like that idea even more. I would like it to benefit only melee units. It would also be necessary to determine the amount of healing that the unit would receive for each kill to make it relevant without being op. but it would be only one of the two cards; including both would be somewhat redundant.

I also think that the advanced scouts card should be replaced with one that grants similar benefits to the eagle scout, which I feel is a somewhat forgotten unit.

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It would be better if the ability doesn’t work with buildings. It would also just be a healing ability, it wouldn’t increase max hp.

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Wouldn’t the scout promotion (+range, +speed) make more sense?

Yeah thinking about it now you’re absolutely right - the plaza attack increase combined with more attack speed would just create a deathball for sure :sweat_smile: Defense promotions would probably be the most balanced.

Aztec units actually have alot of upgrades, so they probably honestly don’t even need buffs, but they
sometimes feel inefficient in their role, which is why alot of players default to ERK spam. The idea with these cards would be that they grant no immediate benefit, but rather reward the player more for taking favorable fights and all-ins. Also I completely agree, thats why I threw the forgotten aztec eagle scout on there too! Advanced scouts should definitely do something for them too.

Oh yeah definitely now that I think about it :sweat_smile: I guess I was viewing them more in the mid-game sense, where their role kind of transfers to more of an auxiliary unit, like the War dog, but for the unit’s actual role, the scout promotions 100% make more sense

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Let’s give the Aztecs one of these as colored eggs (laugh)

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The Aztecs could in the future be able to train the “Cuachicqueh” (Shorn Ones) which will serve as a tougher counterpart of the [Coyote Runner]. These guys were much higher ranked than both the Jaguar and Eagle warriors where over six captives and dozens of other heroic deeds were required for this rank.

They could have the ability to taunt other enemy units which will force them to always prioritise attacking the Shorn Ones within a certain radius. I remembered reading somewhere that Aztecs warriors did taunt their enemies in battle.

(Edit: One could argue that the Shorn Ones are already in the game since the [Skull Knight] or rather “Tlacochcalcatl” are members of this military order but their roles was to lead the army. The role of a Shorn One was to apparently serve as shock troopers of the Aztec army where they would be more mobile than other warriors.)



These thematic ideas are also great in giving a clear identity to all the civs. Many people complained that the Aztec and Inca became way too similar, but having Cards like these that make the Aztecs the more agressive, melee and gold focused Native civ together with Cards that make the Inca the more defensive, ranged and food focused Native civ goes a long way in creating a distinct identity for both of these civs.


I want a new PUP today!


AoE 3 DE also had it…the kings of the old world playing with the civs of Italy and malta on the european maps…

Yes, maybe they will put an Asian dlc with Persia and Oman for May…

Yes, it can be…

I know of it and it was a clearly a sideshow. AoE 3 was excluded of the AoE anniversary and tried to compensate with this side AoE 3 only tournament (and such dramatically reducing its exposure).