Standardize games to 30 minutes

AoE2 averages about 25 minutes.

AoE4 averages . . . about 25 minutes.


making numbers from your head?

itā€™s 12.5 min and 37.5 mind.

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AoE4 time data.

In AoE2 I saw that they had an average play time of around 38-40 minutes (22-24 minutes of real time).

The duration of the 2 AoE is very similar. At least competitively, AoE4 is supposed to be a bit more dynamic, on average.

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  1. right away some BUTs

  2. aoe2 fastest game in RB was 6:22 (ingame time).

  3. 24 or 33 => 30% difference

finally, compare x1.7 timer vs x1 aoe4-timer.

Well i do not see, I see numbers ~25 mark. but No avg number.

again 25 to 35 is huge difference in avg. and even if you compare it. itā€™s just wrong way to conclude ā€œthey are the sameā€, cause aoe2 has x1.7 timer, which means more events per one real-time second.

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Redbull was not played in the regular mode for AoE2. It was played in Empire Wars mode which starts in feudal and with over 20 villagersā€¦



AoE4 is showing about 23 minutes so far in this patch actually (22.7). If you bring in the lower leveled games it can add a few minutes.

Where did you get your made up numbers from?

At no level do AoE2 games average 12.5 minutes. Are you looking at Empire Wars or Death match or something? Also AoE4 absolutely does not average 37.5 minutes unless you are maybe going to large team games, at which point AoE2 also gets longer.

So it seems like you just accused me of making things up while you yourself were doing so?


This is like saying dota is 30 min, in dota a game can last 20 min or q hour, is a game not all games must have the same length, is stupid and boring to encapsulate an RTS in a specific time, is a strategy game, someone can play turtle style others rush style etcā€¦ Donā€™t limit an RTS with crap.


did you watched or see the duration of an avg match on ranekd or in wololo? pros tend to be quicker than others. i donā€™t want to imagine when it happens on lower rank tiers.

You donā€™t have to imagine. The data is there on AoE4 World. At the lowest levels it is about 30 minutes on average so far this patch.

You will see a similiar trend in AoE2. The very low ranks will take longer.


Doubt you metology of average game length.

half number of games = 113318.5
So avg interval of game length is (25-29). ~26min

In the end, I get:
aoe4 games longer than aoe2 games. KEKW. itā€™s 10-15% longer. (23 vs26min)
Yes, it still less than 30min, but 10% of games are 40+ min.

But why you even compare game length. if aoe2 fucking accelerated by x1.7.
Pace != gamelength. at least for me.
Accelerated game on pair or even faster than aoe4. Still WTF.

some shit about aoe2 with dark age

aoe2 have useless start of 5.88realtime minutes in dark age. (20 vils)
remove it from avg gamelength =>23-5.88=~17min
So, with ā€œimprovedā€ aoe4 dark ageā€¦ game action are longer for aoe4.
If you ā€œspeedupā€ aoe4 games x1.7 avg ~26min will become ~15 min. Almost equal to ########### aoe2 games without darkage.

At least for my taste:

  1. kts which produce 35 seconds(?) way long //against 17.6realtime-seconds in aoe2.
  2. Wheelbarrow 1:30 // against 44realtime-seconds in aoe2.
  3. obvious flow with long imperial battles. (with spam infinite horses).
  4. obvious flow with slow-pace pushes, even if you won the battle. 3-4trebs easily sniped. And you wait another 45 or 90(at least 2 trebs) seconds to continue push.

And what about ā€œoutbreakersā€, when Beasty plays vs ML until resources are out.
Itā€™s maps fault, but even closed maps should not have x2 difference in average.
RB solved gamelength with 1) openmaps 2) seeds, why they even should have that problem.

I mean, if someone love to play 90+ games, probably he still can play.
Like dota2 Heralds(noobs) can play 90+ min games but avg in dota2 is 40min.
nobody can take that option away from you. Itā€™s literally impossible.

The first link I shared is diamond +. As I said, if you bring in lower ranks it goes up a few minutes.

The AoE2 data is already accounting for the 1.7x game speed. I am talking about real time, not game time.

You said:

Those numbers are nonsense no matter which way you look at any of the dataā€¦ Yet you accuse me of making things up.

Most of your comment is way too much of a headache to try and read and make sense of, so I am going to just leave it at that.

By all means look at the comment history.

I said ABOUT 25 minutes for both games.

They both fall within a few minutes of that on average which I went ahead and showed with data later. At the high level they are below that, at the low level they are above.

You told me I was making things up and said:

Those numbers are nowhere close to reality no matter which ranking you are looking at. Keep in mind we are talking about the default game mode, not Empire Wars, not Death Match, not large team games (which I already pointed out are longer in both games) .

No, I meant your comment was a headache to read because it is written very poorly and therefore difficult to tell what you were trying to say.

You also once again insisted on turning rude what started out as a civil discussion. Your last comment was flagged by others before I even had a chance to read it.

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The fact thereā€™s a thread complaining that an RTS game has matches lasting longer than 30 mins is weaponsied esports level of cringe.


I do not agree with the ideas you propose, if you look at the official statistics of the game, the games already last around that time (30 minutes) and if we go to high elo less (22-23 minutes) so in general the duration does not it is too extensive. The first 5 minutes of gameplay are economic development, there are about 18 minutes of action left so to shorten it more would be negative for the gameplay in my opinion. In addition, as other users say, it is a classic age of empires rts, to play faster games you have other options.


As you and all those who give you a like, are used to backgrounds like the game of more than 60 hours

Whatā€™s the point of using that game as example of what? I canā€™t understand.


What point are you even trying to make here?

ā€œOh you like games longer than 20-30 mins? WELL HERES ONE THAT LASTS 95 HOURS got emā€

Nah mate donā€™t need it. Aoe4 matches already last a good length of time. Not everything should cater towards the 1v1 competitive community.


I like longer matches for my games. Iā€™m already quite bitter stone piles got nerfed (I wish custom games would let us set things like stone/gold mine amounts)

If there are to be any further changes for the sake of esports can they be moved to a seperate mode like a ā€˜Tournament Modeā€™ or something? I dont want my custom games being messed up anymore.


agreed, but its safe to say relic is too esports centric to see this, RTS devs didnā€™t learn shit from all failures last decade, this is grey goo 2.0 but still living on due to big IP name

yes, cause the only success was with sc2, coh2
absolutely not competitive RTS. LOL.

Itā€™s named MAP. Can be done/changed in custom redactor. (btw according some ppl itā€™s the best redactorā€¦)

yes, 10% is bellow 20min. and 10% is higher 40+ min.
+ you always have a jackpot of playing 90+min game.
just resign at 60min LOL

Is not it obvious, that game potentially can last forever?

there are a lot of games in late game in medium ā€œEloā€, I assure you that will not change, greetings