Standardize games to 30 minutes

This is a terrible idea.

You can use custom maps in custom games that have different resource distributions.

Ay, 5m es suficiente para un juego en que mi retador estĂĄ afk.

25m es perfecciĂłn para al resto.

Maybe it is a bad idea but just stating ‘It is a terrible idea’ with no reason is rather poor form. If we were talking about this around a table and you pipe up to state you disagree everyone would expect you to actually explain Why otherwise you have contributed nothing to the discussion other than be rude.

I have looked for mods to change resource count but cant see anything. Downloading new maps would mean I could only play those maps to have the resource amounts so I cant play high stone ‘Lipany’ or ‘Warrior Islands’ for example.

Regardless I dont want my medieval strategy game to have its defences turned into paper or pace sped up simply because it makes for better tournament viewing.


Valid opinion. So is the opinion of people who want a faster-paced game.

Who wins?


there is a very simple in theory solution to this problem, how bout new custom game options related to above mentioned, why must everything that isn’t esports be modded in by someone in their free time, this is from experience a first in this franchise, tho aoe3 didn’t have treaty till asian dynasties it still had other options even day 1, aoe4 does not, until you add mods to the mix, the advanced game settings mod is just a bunch of code relic couldn’t be bothered to fully finish due to presumed esports focus, so the modders are instead finishing devs work

I mean, Relic also developed (and have supported, documented, bugfixed, and added features to) the mod tools, which are as far from an eSports focus as you can get.

I get the focus on “why do Relic do everything eSports-related”, but the reality is that they will have a bunch of internal priorities to get the game to a specific place. They’re also explicitly asking for our feedback to help adjust those internal priorities. Did you do the recent survey? There was plenty of stuff in there for non-competitive players (I say this as very much a non-competitive player).

i did take the survey, every single one but closed beta, as i wasn’t part of it, now on mod tools, i still see only 4 subsections which is a problem when you realize how many more subsections were generalized as tuning packs, UI, sound, resizing/graphic (thats still not working for custom assets), AI (can’t fix the script just play with how badly it cheats), text, music, could go on
are tools unrelated to esports, well, based on 2 of 4 subsections being map, no, they add as much to esports as they do to casual side

Oh I meant stuff in the survey generally, not specifically related to mod tools. But “as much to the casual side as to eSports” is a good balance, no? Game needs both.

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that is balanced yes, but tuning pack issue remains unattended, and its a major one, that kind of design reminds me of a UI specific problem, called game setup screen

you might be thinking what issue i see there, and the answer is UI subpanel syndrome this game has in UI design
I like comparing to old aoe, but this goes beyond, this one is worthy of comparing to majority of RTS out there
to the point now
why does the game setup screen need 3 subpanels for, basically all other RTS games i ever played (W3, SC 1 and 2, og AOE) can do it in 1 panel besides dedicated map select, which in aoe4 is a subpanel of a subpanel
I could extend this to ingame but thats basically beating dead horse at this point, there’s clearly no intent to fix any of it, unless by some miracle relic decides to make UI an independent category, that could also work in ranked and QM, ofc with necessary filtering to prevent cheating
now i’d like to know how this was handled in company of heroes, including 2, to get better picture

create problem yourselves and solve it. → profit.

Some asked to return “cheap cost of wonder” - which would partly solve the problem of “super long games”.
All suggestions above do not affect “noob” gameplay or pace of game.

But people here again “not like aoe2” or “not like esport”, which do not explain anything.
Yes, it’s fine that some do not like some ideas, but answers on pair with twich-chat.

I just do not understand the conversation about “not like e-sport”. Dota games are longer. etc.
Or you afraid of sc2-pace, but aoe4 never will be as fast as sc2. It’s by design can not be that fast.

I mean, it’s super obvious, that game was designed for xbox or devs always remembered about xbox.

Splitting the playerbase up, making it so that the game players watch in tournaments is totally different than the one many people are playing, adding unnecessary confusion for new players, creating two versions that now need to be updated individually leading to much more work, etc

All when the solution to your “problem” is already here. If you want to play with a different balance there are custom games and maps available. We can already make maps that have more or less resources. You can even take the script from an existing map and tweak it.

Perhaps they need to get an AOE4 version of ‘Empire Wars’ out if they are not already and make that the default format for tournaments

The modding option is always there of course but the tuning packs are limited. If I want to say use the tuning pack that restores the bombard cannon upgrade to stone wall towers then that is the only one I can use at a time.

You are coming across as quite arrogant there is no need to sarcastically put “problem” in inverted commas


Sorry, I only put it in quotation marks because they have already given us the solution as I said. Custom games and maps. People can play all kinds of wacky balance in custom games. Your problem was you didn’t want your custom games being messed up anymore by the game balance being tweaked, when custom games are already that, custom, and can be tweaked pretty much however we want.

They are definitely not going to break the game into separate casual and competitive balance.

Maybe they would play with some kind of faster start mode like Empire Wars. Although they would need to be careful, people are already split between ranked, quick match, and customs. AoE2 has it, but also has like double the number of players

probably not far of agreed

Could also lead to more players though. I’d definately play more much more if there was some Empire Wars equivalent on AoE4 because games often are too long for my taste.

Could do, could not. There are other things they could add or improve that could bring players in as well.

This is why they do the surveys every Season, and the last one (for the S3 update) explicitly asked about official custom game modes like Empire Wars.

it also implied payed skins for units and buildings, imo that shouldn’t be a priority in a game thats still missing a lot, even basic stuff in few areas

Well i’d say those surverys would be a very good indicator if the game was new without a decline of the playerbase already. I did not know that there was a survey as I am quite inactive since weeks. When the game came out a year ago I tried to get like 10 people who are all RTS veterans to play AoE4. All started it but stopped playing after a few weeks because it was too slow, not enough micro and possibilities to raid. And those players really liked some parts of the game but are gone. So surveys right now will have a hard time reaching out to a potential new playerbase.

All the more reason why people should fill it out! I found the “rank in order of priority” style of question pretty neat.


my only real compaint on this topic is how often the items repeat, some i only got once, others constantly, but otherwise it works fine, might just be intended behaviour, in which case its fine

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