State of the Game debate

So the amount of people who purchased this game and 2 months later no one is online… this game is a failure. You guys can deny it but nothing is going to change, doesn’t matter how many DLC or patches are released. The game is NOT AoM, it’s not fun like AoM and it’s not addictive like AoM was.

When you have a winning formula, you build on it, not reinvent the formula.

The issue is the stubborn in-experience dev team. Making silly balance changes is the least of the job. You have to run this entire operation like a business, how do you get new players, how do you keep old players, how do you make it fun.

You don’t keep old players by making extreme changes, every loki player I asked, complained that this was no longer the loki they played for the past 20yrs…imo, this game deserves to fail.

The only thing this game has done is kill GR, Voobly, EE, and managed to get JA to stop streaming.

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nice take. :rofl:

Think we might be playing completely different games here.


I actually think the devs have done a great job so far.


Me too. I have a few things they could have done better, the towers being useless and a few pathing/bugs comes into my mind, but for everything ese, a great job and a high quality product.

To the TC, if you want the same game, AoE Titans is out there for you. Asking for firing the devs when they did clearly a great job, even if you don’t like it, is nuts.


I love the game, I think they did a great job, the game is way better than the old aom, graphics and new things like wonders, recastable spells etc… make the game better


The game is fantastic, everything has been made better. The reason there are few people playing right now is the fact that the game needs more content


Let’s say the game failed (but it really didn’t), and imagine that you’re one of the team members who spent hours days/months in the studio creating this game (animation, music, map design, trees,grass flowers, animals, AI, etc.). Now, imagine reading this/your s### comment…The reason there aren’t many people online is that they are playing the campaign or skirmish with AI like me !
The people who worked on this game did an AMAZING JOB, and they truly deserve all the credit.


They are getting paid for this, you don’t need to speak as if they were poor souls who will cry upon reading criticism. And they deserve a lot of criticism, the main one being that they don’t listen to the community that has kept the game alive until today, especially the long-time players. If they are still playing, they must have good reasons and also great ideas to make the game better.

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The gameplay of the legacy game is much worse, there is no point in defending yourself with towers alone. It was easy to defeat towers to reach age 4 before your opponent (extremely bad gameplay with little competitiveness and strategy), because it is over-broken and win the game. The balance was made so that the game is more competitive and in terms of multiplayer, not hyper mega unbalanced, that’s why AOM was a disaster at a competitive level although in single player it was very popular.

6000 - 5000 players only on Steam, that’s not a few people, all the games at launch have inflated numbers and then fall totally normal, maybe not so much but for everyone it remains good.

I come from Aoe3 where the devs did a horrible job, here it is much better, I say this with all sincerity, I also don’t know what they expected if AOM was not a success, even less will be its remaster. They have the same developers as 3, the same graphic engine, and a gameplay that is somewhat similar. It’s still different, but if you’re coming from 3, you won’t have any trouble learning how to play AoM. Honestly, compared to the huge mistakes of Aoe3, having the same developers, I can say that this game is a gem. I like it a lot, I played very little of the old one, I don’t like it at all compared to this one.


It’s not much worse, it’s just outdated. Certainly, if they had more time, they would have implemented the changes we see now. But the developers of the new AoM didn’t quite understand the mechanics of the game, especially why the powers weren’t recastable, only those of the Atlanteans, and even then with usage limitations.

For example, there’s a research in the town center that increases the health of your buildings. This research existed so you could research it to avoid losing all your buildings if Artemis launched an earthquake at you. Now, you can do both building health improvement researches, but even so, the earthquake will obliterate your entire base. The same goes for tornado and meteor.

These powers weren’t designed without a way to defend against them in order to win the game. There used to be an option for you to defend against them without losing a single building. But now, even if you do all the building fortification researches, the implosion, earthquake, and tornado still destroy your whole base. It doesn’t make sense that they didn’t pay attention to these details! They’re getting paid for this!

Oh god no! You are asking them to turn the game into the lowest common denominator?? You want to call of duty this RTS…? Or a massive Fortnitfication of it…?

You are crazy, this game fanbase is a niche and it should be made so this niche is happy.

Microsoft is cheap, they outsource everything to 3rd parties. World’s Edge trying to save money hires dev that have no experience, probably their first paid job. They try to “balance” the game according to their nooby understanding, which is fine. But when they do things that make the game unfun, that’s a game killer…the silly maps the game was launched with like Giza, Elysium & Nile Shallows… they all looked identical, we were forced to play these maps for the first 2 months… no working adult will sit around and waste time on this nonsense.

The inexperience dev don’t understand that major changes will upset players. For example I play loki, every loki player I’ve asked said this isn’t the loki they’ve played for the past 20 years.

They don’t understand that balance, graphics, etc is nothing if the game is no longer fun/addictive.

“You are crazy, this game fanbase is a niche and it should be made so this niche is happy.”
I’m that small niche…they killed that small niche that played on Voobly and EE for the past 10 years.

lol they even killed the DM community, they no longer exist.

What needs to be done QUICKLY to save the game…
-1st. Give loki heros speed so I start playing again.
-Remove Quick Search so people are forced to host game. We get to meet new people, we get to make new friends.
-Allow Steam to show us all the player we recently played with, this feature was purposely disabled in Steam over layer. It seems like they want us to use the built-in friends list.
-Make the maps smaller.
-Bring back animal predators… this made the game refreshing and not dull.
-Each map should require a different playstyle. High hunt, low hunt, etc…
-Bring back the original maps and remove the Giza, Elysium & Nile Shallows. They all look the same.
-gp’s shouldn’t be reuseable!!!
-There needs to be a way to block gp’s again.

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The truth is that for what the game costs compared to the definitive versions, I shouldn’t be stingy, I just hope that the DLC they release is worth it, to at least justify that price.

GP, you don’t have to eliminate reuse…

this makes the game more dynamic, you just have to know how to balance it by trying things, obviously knowing how to listen to the competitive, it is not easy to achieve balance, but it is possible, if you make an effort to do it

The other points I think are fine, the quick search has to be there, this lobby searching makes you waste time, many lobbies are garbage from very casual players, the quick search is better

I agree with this, but I believe the quick search should send players directly to the game, like it did in AoM Classic, not like it is now, stopping in the lobby first.

to add here, retold basically fixes every mistake with remastering of 3 done prior, even on performance and feature level

AoMR removed things from the old game take a look and you will see

I wish current gameplay would be a new game mode called Wrath of the Gods and allow everyone to still be able to play like the classic game if they wanted to. Also give option to disable Wonders just like we can disable Titans.

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i was strictly comparing aoe3 remaster to retold, i am aware of multiple og AOM features being absent, but those weren’t related to my point

AoMR I don’t play nearly as much multiplayer as I do with AoE III DE because I don’t like removal and changes to so much stuff that result in a worse experience for me.

AoE III DE added so much new stuff, even with just the base game from the Art of War, Historical Battles, many more maps, and new civilizations to go along with some new politician age up choices and cards. AoMR so far has been a letdown for me with some bugs, messing up the AI, removal of stuff, and inability to play anything like the old way. I still like AoMR but I have a feeling it will never end up coming close to overtaking AoE III DE for me.

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The game is fantastic. People play less because it’s just the way it is. It’s an old game and most of us are just addicted to aoe2, a much deeper game

In my case… I stopped playing because I play on Xbox with KB and mouse and the performance is really bad and devs do not fix it.