I agree with that. Even i - and I bet others here too - would come up with better ideas for games/stories etc. unfortunately most of us here aren’t game devs, don’t work in the gaming industry and some like me didn’t even study so our influence very minor unfortunately. But I think some really have better ideas than those who get payed to do so. But we don’t know how many actually creative ideas get scrapped cause of CEO/publisher/stupid capitalistic decisions… sad times in creative and social departments…
Hmmmm… why dont you both support media you like, then?
If this and that company sucks, why not consume things made by small/independent/alternative studios and share them with people around you? With people that like something similar, but that still are giving the 100th chance to big companies that cant make a good product anymore? Let them go, Microsoft, Disney etc, and go after something that does a great job, support them.
- If you didn’t like the new recipe of that soda, why don’t you go create your own soda company?
Are you sure you answered the right person?
Because not a single time I said to do it yourself, but to support people that do it the way you rather it and try to present small companies that do it the way you like it to others.
My mistake for reading too quickly. Since it’s not my native language, I make some mistakes.
But even so, can I still complain if my favorite soda changes the recipe and tastes bad, or can’t I? Sometimes there’s no other soda I like on the market. There’s no other game like Age of Mythology on the market, for example.
I like the philosophy of my grandparents: If something is broken, fix it. Don’t go looking for another one to buy. This applies to both relationships and objects. In this case, since there are no games like AoM on the market, I prefer to help fix it rather than go looking for another game. But if the developers refund me, I promise I’ll stay off the forum for a year. But since I paid for the game, I prefer to keep posting here until they start doing at least something.