I was able to play a few missions in campaign, but when trying to load the fourth mission, I started getting stuck at the loading screen around 80%. What’s weird is this is the case when trying to load any game type it seems.
I have updated my graphics driver and restarted. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the game and downgraded graphics but I still get stuck when loading into a game around 80%. Anyone else having this issue or know of a fix?
Hmm, so this only happens now when you start the 4th campaign mission (with the English?), or in any game type, like multiplayer/custom game vs ai etc?
No, antivirus, not firewall. This was happening in one of past Relic’s games and switching off antivirus helped, because it was running a scan of the loaded files and it glitched the game.
Alright, so I just tried freeing up a ton of space. Basically deleted ALL my games. Now I have plenty of space on my SSD and hard drive. I have disabled antivirus/windows defender and still have the same issue after all that. Not really sure what do at this point.
Damn, thats a shame for you guys not being able to play. There was a similar issue in Company of Heroes 2 (Relic previous game on same engine) where forcing your monitor to run on lower refresh rate for that game with a launch parameter solved the problem, but since you say were able to play a few missions until this happened, I dont know.
Try to contact some AoE4 developers here in the forum, I saw that they finally responded to some posts in the bugs sections, or just repost this there.
Also, try steps presented in this article, I know they are for GTA5, but they are applicable for any game that is stuck in loading screen:
see also whats mentioned at “Other Recommendations” in the article above ^
Hey guys, there’s another thread in Bugs with a developer response. I gave them information and figured I’d give the link to sort of consolidate this issue.
I made an account to say I’m facing the EXACT SAME PROBLEM pretty sure 4th mission 80% loading… I’ve tried completely unistalling the game. Different drive. I dunno man.