Stunning graphics! Thanks to the great developers for helping us realize our dreams!

These are all official

Yes, that is right, they aer all official

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Then, those redshirts are Revolutioners?

And yes, I am sure devs and players love the game. Iā€™m sure all of us are excited with the changes

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They are skins for Bersaglieri after sending the Garibaldini card. This card was previously named Redshirts.

This will be new italian dragoon skin ?
I hope its sooooo cool
Carabinieri yes ? Or im wrong ?

The reskinned carbine rider from the church tech.

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Yes i guessed that
Imagine they replace them with italian dragoons & replace that basilicaā€™s upgrade with other unit/tech
It will be much better

Iā€™ve seen a video, and they are actually the Revolutionaries from the Risorgimento tech. They get a new skin and are renamed to Redshirts

Oh thank god i love the current bersagliere skin and donā€™t want to see them in those red skins

Pavisiers will get new skins when we upgrade them to guard level ?

Havenā€™t seen it yet. Maybe they will

Please tell me if those are the Portuguese Dragoons!! (The ones with armor).

I really like these Portuguese brown uniforms.

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Those are the unique black riders sent with theOrder of Tower and Sword tech via church card.

I like the Portuguese skins however do those Crossbowmen RG textures seem a little ahistorical? Anyone know if they really had cowboy crossbows?! :grin:

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Their hats remind me of Schutztruppe hats - German colonial troops in Africa.

Being on the subject of Germany and Africa, I would like to see German Askari units.


Found this on the net: Caruma: O figurino e a ordenanƧa


I fully support this! :+1: I also suggested this in one of the Austria threads but got shot down because of a supposed time period limit. I canā€™t remember if it was the Berlin Conference (1884-1885) or some other event. But yeah! it would be awesome to include colonial troops like the German Schutztruppe, the British Kingā€™s African Rifles, the Belgian Force Publique and the French Foreign Legion


Yeah, their Napoleonic uniforms were rather brown, however just seem at odds with a crossbow!