For my map I’m making a tech that reduce the attack reload time of archer type unit however I need to subtract and not add time
void main() {
int c = -0.5;
xsEffectAmount(cAddAttribute, 900, cAttackReloadTime, c, 1);
I’ve try many many thing to reduce this attack reload time but I can’t get it to work
Does anyone has a solution ?
Does it work for positive integers?
Also, this is the UGC discord
They may be of more help there
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yes it does but attackreloadtime need to be decreased to make an unit attack faster
Try c=0-0.5
It seems XS has issues with doing stuff like -a or -2.
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yeah I noticed that indeed
There is also the “Multiply by value under 1” method, but it’s for a % ratio removale rather than a fixed value reducing.
Still can be usefull.