Sugestion: Chinese Mercenary Contractor for Russians

Hello there, I hope that everyone are having a great day.

I opened this topic to make a suggestion to create a Chinese Mercenary Contractor age up politician for the Russians.
This politician would enable the training of Iron Troops, Manchus Horse Riders and Rattan Shields. I think that this will add to the game historical aspect, improve the balance and add more variety. Because:

On the historical part: Well I don’t want to make this post too long, but Russia and China are neighbor countries and have a long history on their relationship, and this new in-game politician for Russia can illustrate this well.

If you have interest in reading more about it, I will link a wikipedia article bellow. (As I think this article is a nice introduction to the issue, and have a lot of further references on it).


History of Sino-Russian relations - Wikipedia

On the balance part: There are a lot of topics discussing this on the forum already. But I think that Russians have a hard time on the end game due to their infantry being weaker than the other civilization counterparts, and by not having a unit that is particularly good at dealing with Dragoons. (Since Strelets have a low range).

So this politician helps the balance because:

  • The Iron Troopers solves both the problems mentioned above, being both a very strong infantry unit and a unit that is effective at killing Dragoons.
    Also, in my opinion this adds more variety to the game, since Iron Troops are slightly different than skirmishers, so they will be a more interesting addition to the Russian army compositions instead of a Skirmisher type of unit like the Jaegar, for example, that a lot of other civilizations already use it.
    Iron Troops, on the other hand, are not a very often used at the moment, despite being a quite good unit.

  • The Rattan Shields are a infantry that acts as a substitute for cavalry. Which means that Russia can possibly make armies compositions without having to build Stables, this will take full advantage of the their unique building, the Blockhouses, on the process.

  • The Manchu Horse Riders is also a nice unit for the Russians, as they have the same speed as a Dragoons and can kill them.
    Also Russia have two cards to upgrade cavalry units.
    Is very common to see Russian players using the 9 Manchu shipment in age 3 because they synergize well with the civilization, and also not less because is the only unit that Russia has available that kills Dragoons effectively.

  • I also think that having good but coin heavy units like those available, might incentivize Russian players to add cards that improves the gold gather rate on their deck, like Royal Mint, Cigar Roller, Textile Mill and Rum Distillery.
    This will add more variety since those cards are not very often used by Russia, except when they want to make Halberdiers or mass Cannons.

Now, there is a problem: The current artwork of the Mercenary Contractor politician may be “too European”, and a new artwork featuring a Chinese man might be required to implement this change.
And I understand that this might be somewhat of a burdensome for the art team, as they may be busy with things that I’m not necessary aware of.
But I sincerely think that the proposition is good overall.

I will put some portraits that I think could be a good reference for this politician artwork, in hopes that this helps/inspire in some way or another:


Chinese Mercenary Contractor ref2

What are your thoughts about that? I’m looking forward to hear other users opinions and suggestions about this.


oh boy, russia dont need mercenaries

And why not? Those 3 units definitively will add to Russia composition on the late game.


definitively russia need some buff and rework units but they dont need meecenaries, no more

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You don’t think that Iron Troops, Manchu and Rottan Shields would add to Russian army compositions on the late game?

What reworks do you think should be done them?

I would say mercenaries for Russia would aid them in their Fortress Age, we should note that if Russia gets the training option, the Iron Troops/Manchus should at least be in Fortress Age (China doesn’t even get to train Iron Troops until Fortress Age without their Age 2 “Atonement” card and they don’t even get trainable Manchus, only shipments or map specific mercenaries). That said, mercenaries would also be very expensive for Russia.

Yeah, the idea is being a equivalent of the other Mercenary Contractors that civilizations like Swedes, British and Portuguese have. So they would be available on Fortress Age and Imperial Age.

I like this idea, good units for more versatility in age 3

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I do think the European civs could use some more flavor much like what the Saloon did when TAD came out.


Dude not even China gets these benefits and they could really use them. Believe me, I would take cav archers over Keshiks any day. As for Iron Troop you already have a huge mass of one of the best skirms trade wise in the game.

the problem i have with this suggestion is that if it solves problems that the Russians have, it would become a mandatory politician for them to be functional and competitive.

I would rather solve those problems in the base civilization first. politicians are meant to be options for aging up, not a requirement to play the civ.

as a general flavor choice and additional option I’m all for it.


Well, can we just solve a single problem at the time :sweat_smile:

Strelets have too much a low range, so they are kitted away by skirmishers with longer range and they also have a hard time killing dragoon type of units.

As a matter of fact, I would happily trade Cav. Archer for Keshiks, if you trade Arquebusier for Strelets :upside_down_face:

This is a good point. But because is a Mercenary Contractor, it actually competes with with the Exiled Prince on the Fortress Age, so I don’t particularly think that this politician would be too dominant.

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I can agree with Iron Troop, But not the others russia already has decent cavalry.

Honestly I think mercenaries should be reworked to be enabled at the tavern when you send shipments.

Swedes could still be the only civ to get mercs at military buildings.

I could agree with Iron troop. Ratan shied not so much they are essentially cossaks.
What could be useful is giving some more flavor to russian tartar loyalists upgrade, like adding some speed to cavalry archers.

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Yeah Rattan Shields are kinda redundant when Cossacks are already 1 pop and cheap. I would instead maybe give Russia Arquebusiers instead.

Or just do Manchu Cav Archers and Iron Troop, and replace Strelet Combat card with Infantry Combat card so all Russian infantry can be buffed.