Suggestion for changing Burmese

Burmese aren’t even top 5 civ in arena or hideout according to the consensus of top players. For a civ that’s bottom 5 on arabia you would think they would at least be top five on arena. Top 5 Arena Civilizations in Age of Empires II - YouTube

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I mentioned this as a general civ bonus on viper’s stream and he seemed really intrigued by it. Didn’t say it was too strong.

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Doesn’t help in 1v1 cuz almost no one makes kts against Burmese anyway, would just serve to maket hem obnoxious in TG once FU.

Did you mention it was attached to a civ with a wood bonus?

True (although personally I think Burmese is not the worse in 1v1). How about siege projective travel 20% faster to help them deal with archers?

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How about food cost replaced with wood. If gold is replaced then it cannot be 1for1. At least 2x wood maybe.

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Would be insanely overpowered. To get 800 food to go to castle age you need to gather wood then build farms, then wait for the farmers to gather the food, Burmese would only need the first step and build just enough farms to sustain villager and military production.

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There is a point of argument that getting the most common tech for free is not a strong bonus as other civs will research it just a few minutes (maybe even seconds) later. So the only advantage is getting the resource for free. Of course Bohemians 4 free techs is a big exception as even in early castle age, gold & stone are not that important as food (and therefore wood since there is no source of food without wood at that point).

Which is exactly why the new UT looks super ugly despite being a very good bonus. Before Dotd, I asked giving their scout line +2 vs archer as a civ bonus. Even now giving this instead of UT switch will still do a better job imo.

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What about giving Burmese an increase in scorpion speed by 20% (and possibly mangos) 0.65 to 0.78, Mongols are 0.98 with UT

Burmese are one of the few civs that so heavily rely on combined arms to over come numerous types of opponents, which is something I would prefer to keep.

Every cav civ will beat them if they just go cav. Unlike cav civs that rely on eco, stronger cav or camels.

Similarly to counter archer civs they generally have to rely on siege. Which have to be used in conjunction with supporting units. Unlike most civs relying on their own archers, skirms, arrow resistant infantry or superior cav

Instead of boosting burmese in any way that will equally help them Vs non archer civs(eco bonuses, bonuses Vs buildings etc) Why not boost them in a way that is weighted more heavily against archers(specifically CA for the scorp)

Either boost the speed of specific siege or give them attack bonuses (such as +4 dmg v archers, so hits are more rewarding)

Burma already has bonuses for infantry, cav and monks. With an eco that leans more towards archers or siege than their other civ bonuses. If that doesn’t scream combined arms, nothing does.


This was always something that made me scratch my head. Burmese have wood bonus and nothing meaningful to spend that on. Their siege is mediocre, their archery range abysmal, the best use is to spam farms for something else.
Seems really wasted, or at least a convoluted way to use it.

Unless you go everytime monks+siege in castle age…not sure if it’s doable outside Arena/Hideout.


Give Arambai bonus atk vs spears like cav archers instead of rams. Then, Burmese knight+ Arambai will have easier time vs pikes+xbow. Or allow Arambai garrison inside Rams. Besides, switch the order of UT. Manipur cavalry in Castle age helps a lot.

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Hardly you will get people flocking to read this whole novella of yours if this is your first suggestion

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Why did you reopen this? It’s been dead for three months.


yeah at least switch em

the arambai is wood heavy, when it was worthwhile as a unit, then the civ bonus worked. but thats partly why i think a siege buff will synergise well

not a bad idea, but getting enough arambai to kill spears fast enough (remember their poor range) and getting enough knights to kill the archers is a tall load. if anything might help them more on closed maps, where they are slightly stronger already

Ok, @anon63664082, can you close this down? I’m not sure why it got necroed, but I’m not interested in it as a thread any more, if people want to make suggestions about civ changes, they should make their own threads, rather than bringing up something from months ago.

Dead likes Burmese :rofl::rofl:


eesh thats harsh :laughing: but tbf they arent bad vs melee civs, its mainly archers and specifically CA

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fu hussar with +5 attack kills fu arbalest in 4 hits

Burmese are solid now with a well balanced tech tree, even their Battle Elephants got a buff recently.

They die to archers extremely badly


All the new units are to help the Burmese. They are not new UU of hypothetical new Indian civs 11
Wait for the patch 11