Suggestion for Turks

Because I refuse to be manipulated, and am showing it does not work, at all.

Turks must still never get Genitours. It is just not Turkish at all. Sipahi would have to be nerfed to the ground too, since it is double Bloodlines, and is only balanced becauser it affects only one unit.

You say ‘Not ditching’ the EA is reason enough to not give them BE. Let us assume that is the case even though it totally isn’t since a MELEE eephant is not the same as EA.

You also say the BE is much more viable unit than EA despite it having a lower gold cost and training quick from the stable.

So what exactly do you mean by ‘Not ditching’? Does ‘Not ditching’ include a buff to the EA making them as viable as at least War Wagons/Ballista Elephants, let alone Battle Elephants?

Are there no plans to buff the costlier Elephant Archers at all? And When is the buff coming?

I know you think about accuracy when saying this but it’s even more the case for gameplay: Ele archers don’t have splash damage. It means a melee elephant can scale up well in number, since each one will attack several enemies, while an ele archer couldn’t possibily keep up. It could become very good with the right buffs, but it wouldn’t have the DPS of a melee ele or of the Balista ele who is also able to attack several targets at once.

No idea. Demands for buffs for the TK will likely be satisfied next patch, so I guess it is going to happen eventually since the EA is the other “plz buff”

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I think the solution is giving them better Turkish theme i mean Turks never only depended on their gunpowder units besides; mostly Turks relied on their Cavarly line too’‘historically’ So;
Adding few cavarly bonuses could do well. For Example;
Sipahi now applies all Cavarly Except Camels.
New civ bonus Scout Cavarly line have +1 in Feudal/+2 in Castle /+2 in Ä°mprerial Attack bonus against Skirmisher and Pikeman Line.
Sipahi now applies all cavarly except Camels giving +15Hp +2 Attack.
Or maybe All Cavarly units have +1 attack and +5 hp each age starting in feudal.
Adding one or two of those will solve it.

This would be OP beyond all measure, it is essentially double Bloodlines, and is only balanced because it applies to a single unit.

It would have to be nerfed to something like +5 HP, to work on all Cavalry, and at that point, it would be a waste of resources.

Part of this is the Mongols bonus, and the other part is blatantly OP. Use Hussars + HCs to counter Skirms and Pikes.

Absolutely OP, so much that it would make Turks a better Cavalry civ than Franks or Huns.

See above.

it could give different valus to different cav unites i guess, if they buff it shouldnt go from 0 to 100% maybe just to add some and see how it helps

It is a bad idea to overload an UT, for a civ that already performs well at high levels.

At most, I could see a free +15HP bonus to Skirmishers and Spearmen in Imperial, to add to the Fast Imp theme.

i think trash being bad is ok if theyr push can get a little buff ( like tutens did, they just bosted what they were already strong at)

one idea i like is for jans to return 20% when they die so you can get some stuff back and would help when gold is running out so they compilte a trash comp with few jans even what do you think?

But Turks already have perhaps the strongest push in Castle, and one of the strongest in Imperial.

No Castle Age army can go against Jans + Mango, and win cost-effectively.

In Imp, you get instant access to Hussar, HC and BBC. You can start spamming lategame units out of the gate, not to mention that free Chemistry is a direct buff to all your Archers and Defenses.

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what do you think about below

so 11 gold back

Making Turks run out of gold is the only way to stop them, however. Why should they have Saracens Madrasah? They are already hard to kill in Castle (best Castle Age unit by far), since tehy have better range and damage than most units in that Age.

Turks design is specialized into efficient resource management.
Have Gold? Win game!
Lost your Gold? Lose game!

As long as you manage your Gold well, Turks are amazing. They are supposed to race the opponent down, which they actually do effectively. A Scout rush in Fedal, becomes instant Light Cavalry in Castle, which is still an upgrade, and allows you to keep pressure.

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sure i agree maybe but that strat works on closed maps. Open maps they still can get exploited so you dont even get to theyr strenght so i think a slight buff with jans gold reuturn would make theyr drop after gold just a littel less worst

i have heard a few players say opposite to what you are saying (they cant win agains mangos push)
archers destory them and sienc archers civs are at the top they get rekt

Jans outrange Archer and Crossbowmen, in the Castle Age, even with Bodkin Arrow.

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sure but you cant kill a castel in castel age so they can survive and jans trade range for accuricy

It is one of the hardest feats in the game. In Castle Age, you only have basic Rams, no Trebs and no BBCs.
Castles are so hard to kill in Castle Age, that Castle drops are actually considered a game ending move.

yeah so what you are saying a castel age push being so good can be defended easy, one mango or few spears kill rams easy

Not at all. You completely misunderstood eveything I said.

how come its not like the other player is gona fight you if he know your army is a bit better?

They can, but that is the nature of the game. You want to bleed the Turks out of their Gold, because if you cannot, then they win.

Turks essentially put both players on a timer. You cannot really attack them in Castle Age, unless you crippled them in Feudal, and if they get to Imp, you have to endure until they run out of Gold.

This makes Turks a very strong civ, not a weak one.