Suggestion: New Units and Mechanics to Classic Civs - January 2024

Suggestion: New Units and Mechanics to Classic Civs - January 2024

Good morning, as continuing with another series of topics where a little more love is asked for the classic civs, I came up with several ideas for unique units of the original civs.

I had originally come up with the idea of mercenaries for all Civs, but after discussing it with another forum member, I thought about it some more, I was meditating and I see that not all medieval Civs had historical mercenaries, and forcing it would actually create the same problem from Age III (where many civs even have mercenaries for decoration, and even forced ones just for balance reasons)

Therefore, consider that the best option could be "New unique units", or unique mercenary units “Under certain conditions”, such as Landmarks, mechanics, or unique technologies (Like ZhuXi does).

There are several reasons for new unique units:

  • The little use of French people due to the existence of its JoanD’Arc variant
  • The little use of Abbasid compared to its Ayyubid variant.
  • The weak state of the HRE in feudal (Lacks Rush) and post-imperial (Lower Rooster units)
  • The low or no use of some landmarks of the Rus (GoldenGate, Spasskaya Tower)
  • The low or no use of some HRE landmarks (Meinwerk Palace, Burgrave Palace)

If you have any questions or if you think some units are poorly reported or I’m making a mistake in their representation, let me know, what I most want is to add more history to the game. Now that’s clear, let’s start:


KING.- New mechanics, 3 skills, 1 new unlocked by age:

  • Aura of Royalty (II) .- The current one, heals nearby units 2 Hp/sec
  • King’s Tent (III) .- When activated, the King acquires the Castle Network bonus, but he must remain static to activate it again.
  • Knighthood Accolade (IV) - Out of combat allows you to select any military unit and turn it into a Knight. Cowldown:long

Reason: Greater usefulness of the “Abbey of the Kings” Landmark considering late game, leaving the other option, the Pre-BigBen (Council Room) as the Rush Landmark.


Merchant Guild.- It can be used not only to gather resources, but florins for mercenaries. This 5th resource accumulates as charges. Once obtained it can be used to spend on 2 types of mercenaries:

  • Genovés Crossbowman.- Crossbowman, similar to the Arbalestier but with extra projectile armor instead of melee.
  • Swiss Pikeman.- Light infantry like the Spearman, but with more HP, range, attack, armor and more anti-cavalry bonus.

History: During the 100 Years War the French armies lacked a professional infantry army; This is mainly because the elite troops were mainly noble cavalry who never dismounted to fight, being vulnerable to formations of pikemen. To vary the composition of troops, mercenaries were recruited: To cover the range projectile area, Genoese Crossbowmen were hired, to cover the melee infantry area, Swiss Pikemen, from the newly created Swiss Confederation, were hired. Although the employment of Genoese declined as the same peasants learned to produce their own arbalestas and pavises, the French kings continued to employ Swiss mercenaries during the rest of the 100 Years’ War, and even later, during the Italian Wars (1494 and 1559). ), where the elite infantry troops of the French army went.

Castles.- In the Imperial Age they acquire the technology: “Recurit Cent Suis” and “Recruit Scottish Guard”. One of them disables the other. They allow you to recruit one of these units in Castles.

  • Cent Suis.- or “Hundred Swiss”, French royal guard of Swiss soldiers. It has twice the population, but more stats than normal units. Heavy infantry with halberd and high stats.

  • Scottish Guard.- Medieval French Royal Guard formed by Scots. He acts as an Archer-Halberdier hybrid, and can switch between weapons.

History: Created in 1417 by Louis VII. Faced with the danger of his life, and being in the midst of a civil war with Burgundy, he relied on employing foreign soldiers loyal to their pay and oblivious to the troubles of royalty. With the English as a common enemy, elite Scottish soldiers were employed as guards. This Scottish Guard appears in the records to be made up of elite archers, however it is also known that they used weapons such as the halberd if required as light cavalry. Its effectiveness led it to be considered an extra guard, and in 1480, a special corps was created, made up of 100 Swiss soldiers, called the Cent Suiss. The latter dressed gallantly, with gold embroidery on their clothes and royal halberds.*

Reason: The piquero and Ballestero are the addition of extra options to compensate for Joan’s champion and riders. The imperial Royal Guard units are the way to compensate for the fact that these Juana units are created in the Castles, and also for Juana’s unique ability at Level 4, which yawns a unit or gives them a free cannon, if not several free units. Since the French’s bonus over Juana is economy, it seems fine to me that these extra units are unlocked using money.


Meinwerck Palace.- You can now summon a Warrior Bishop.
-** WARRIOR BISHOP .- ** He acts as a warrior prelate, with high stats, who improves with age. He can conquer sacred places in III, carry relics and militarily bless several units at once (Area Blessing, cowldown: medium).

History: Other than for the king’s expedition to Rome to be crowned (the expditio italica, after 1135 called the expeditio roma or Romfahrt, later Romzug) only the princes of the church - the abbots, bishops and archbishops - they were actually obliged to render him military service, since they alone owed their positions to the crown, having been invested with their various estates and offices by the king; therefore it was on them that he relied predominantly for troops. In 1167, #### and 1176, for example, German armies operating in Italy under Frederick I Barbarossa consisted almost entirely of church contingents.
-The Concordat of Worms (1122) had made all of Germany’s bishops princes of the realm and expected them to serve in person when summoned 10 provide troops, but even this was little more than formal confirmation of a state of affairs that had existed since the 10th century. However, the obligations of ecclesiastical princes differed from those of feudal ######## with them it was more a case of administering an Imperial estate and, when necessary, financing contingents of troops from the proceeds. Sometimes such proceeds were inadequate to pay for the requisite troops and it was not uncommon for the church to have to mortgage or pawn property and estates in order to raise men. Most German bishops were therefore soldiers first and churchmen second and many even commanded Imperial armies in the field, despite the fact that for most of this era there was bitter enmity between Empire and papacy. In 1257 Richard of Cornwall wrote to his brother, King Henry Ill of England, about the ‘mettlesome and warlike archbishops there arc in Germany. It would be a fine thing for you if you could create such archbishops in England.’

Unique Unit for Imperial:

  • BLACK REITER.- Gunpowder rank cavalry, fire a giant special gun. You can learn the unique “Conch” technology, which increases your speed after your first shot. Good vs. Infantry, Cavalry? Heavy Armor Units? (Let the Devs decide).

History: During the religious wars in Germany, mainly after the Esmalcada War (1546 - 1547), a new type of mercenary troop emerged. These soldiers known as Reiter spread terror on European battlefields. Their main strategy was to accelerate as if they were carrying out a cavalry charge, but instead of a lance, they used a giant already loaded pistol to neutralize the cavalry they were about to collide with, which allowed them to shoot down armed horsemen. They also specialized in firing a shot and then immediately turning around to reload the weapon, a movement known as “The Conch.” As mercenaries they began to be called Black Reiter (Swarze Reiter) because the armor they wore was black, this is because these riders spent a lot on buying extra pistols, they cut costs with cheap armor, and to prevent it from rusting It was covered with a black coating.


GoldenGate.- Each cargo obtained can also be exchanged for mercenaries, mainly the Chorni-Kobuki.

  • Chorni Klobuks.- Special Light Cavalry, with extra speed and a lightly bonus aggainst another cavalry units. Good aggainst ranged units, specially horse-archers. Weak aggainst Spearman of Heavy armored units.

History: The Chorni Klobuks or black hats were a Turkish clans that worked as mercenaries of the ancient Kievan Rus princes. They were contracted to protect the South Rus Borders of other Turks clans, as the Pechenegs or the Cumans. Their importance in the army was such that they appear in most records as elite cavalrymen of rus armies, only below the boyars. During the Mongol invasion of Russia, it is speculated that the Chorni Klobuk caused enough casualties to the Mongol Empire, that in vengeance the mongols attempt to completely ########### ##### principally because after the mongol invasion, no records of the employment of these mercenaries are found again. Most of its survivors continued under other names assimilating into the Slavic population. In fact, It is believed that their clan were part of the ancestors of the medieval Cossacks of current Ukraine, who inherited their typical black hats.

Spasskaya Tower.- In addition to allowing stone walls, it also allows you to create Opri##### in the Keeps.

  • Oprichnik.- Special light cavalry. It has a bonus against economic units and a high torch attack.

History: The oprichnik were a special cavalry corps formed in 1565 by Ivan IV to maintain security urity of the capital. It is made up of nobles who had sworn total loyalty to the Tsar and the royal family. They functioned as a type of military police and mounted espionage service, charged with seeking reprisals against Zarato and with every right to appease them in the most violent way possible. They were used in the war with Novgorov, where they slaughtered almost the entire population and set fire to the entire city. They were so devastating that the Tsar himself began to distrust them and they were dismantled in 1572.


Culture Wing- Now generates 1, 2 or 3 magnets when built (varies with age).

Economy Wing.- Now spawns 2, 5, or 7 villagers when built (varies with age).

-Reasons: Ayyubid’s optional Culture Wing gives them 2/3/4 dervishes apart from the passive healing bonus, and the Economic Wing gives them villagers in addition to the extra bonus on bushes and economy. I don’t see then why they can’t get free villagers and imams, they already have free military units and trade carts.

Naphta Grenadier.- Ranged unit that deals area damage. Naphta slows the speed of units it hits and deals some damage over time. Good for slowing down enemy units. Extra damage against buildings.

History: Desde antes del primer califato, la región de oriente medio era conocida por ser fuente de un material inflamable empleado para velas de larga duración y ceremonias religiosas. Con la venida del primer califato, la naphta empezó a utilizarse como arma en granadas inflamables. En algunos regimientos estas tropas recibieron el nombre de Naffatum. In the days of Harun al-Rashid, at the height of Abbasid power, the Arabs fashioned coveted asbestos into fireproof uniforms and padding for the naphtha troops and theirhorses. They called the substance hajar al-fatila or “wick-stone” because, as one writerfrom Damascus put it, “it is made into indestructible wicks for lanterns, for although theoil burns off, the wicks themselves remain intact.” Su eficacia a la hora de destruir estructuras es bastante reconocible, ya que este tipo de tropas fue el responsable de la destrucción de Baghdad in 813, o Tiflis in 843. These troops continued to be used by the caliphate until the advent of the first explosive gun grenades.


Mechanics: Headquarters of the Caliphate.- You can create troops from other sultanates.
– Turck Horse Archer (II) (Selyuk).-
– Beduin Swordman (II) (Ayuubid/Abbasid/Umayyad)
– Bedouin Skirmisher (II) (Ayuubid/Abbasid/Umayyad)
– Zanata Raider (III) (Morocco/ Al-Andalus)
– War Elephant (IV) (Persian/ Morocco)

Reason: The Abbasid also employed Bedouin soldiers before the Ayyubid. While the original mechanic of the Ayyubid may be to unlock them with the Trade Wing as mercenaries, the Abbasies would also have to have them. The Turck Horse Archer already exists in the campaign, but as it seems it could be a unit of an Ottoman Seljuq variant (Sultanate of Rum/Turks/etc), which counts as 2nd age mercenaries for the Abbasids.


Barbican of the Sun.- Now also allows you to recruit Wolf Troops, a unique irregular unit, with accumulated charges every 2 minutes and some food. Troops created here have a limited lifespan.

  • Wolf Troop.- Single irregular unit from the south, light infantry with High attack and speed, but low HP. He has the ability “uncontrollable fury” that increases his attack speed by 50%, but takes 50% more damage at range.

War household.- New building, unlocked in the Ming Dynasty. Produces battalion soldiers in groups, including single units.

  • Wolf Squad.- Produces 6 wolf troops, these do not have a limited life span.

  • Mandarin Duck Squad.- Produces 2 Lang Xian Pikemen, 2 Spearman, 2 Palace Guard.

  • Firearm Squad.- Produces 6 Handcannoner

Pikeman Lang Xian.- Unique Chinese unit. Light infantry with a polearm, has low damage and speed, but attacks with area damage and slows all units it attacks. Can stop cavalry charges. Useful for containing groups of units, weak against archers (Produced only via Mandarin Duck Squad).

History: The Ming founder Zhu Yuanzhang set up a system of hereditary soldiers inspired by Mongol-style garrisons and the fubing system of the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties. Hereditary soldiers were meant to be self-sufficient. They provided their own food via military farms (tun tian) and rotated into training and military posts such as the capital, where specialized drilling with firearms was provided.
These hereditary soldiers were grouped into guards (wei) and battalions (suo), otherwise known as the wei-suo system. A guard consisted of 5,600 men, each guard was divided into battalions of 1,120 men (qiānhù), each battalion contained 10 companies of 112 men (bǎihù), each company contained two platoons of 56 men (zǒngqí), and each platoon contained five squads of 11 or 12 men (xiǎoqí).
Most of the soldiers in Ming’s army came from military households, which consisted of about 20 percent of households in the early Ming period. Each military household was required to provide one man to serve in the army. If that man died, the household was required to send another.
One of the formations created for these regiments was the Mandarin Duck, which included 2 Lang Xian pikemen, who prevented the enemies from approaching the troops with their spears, 2 troops with shields and several infantry units with spears, tridents. or damage to attack at medium range. The formation changed over time, and new versions were created with more weapons, or that included archers and harquebusiers among the troops. An exclusive firearms regiment was also created.

Reasons: Now there are 4 Dinasty buildings, hehe. This completes the list of the 4 unique Chinese buildings, which were only 3, and the Ming was missing. That and to supplement ZhuXi’s extra unique unit bonuses in the Imperial age (Imperial Guard, Yuan Raider), or in the Castles age (Shaolin Monk). If Zhu Xi is going to have an early rush, the Chinese who have defensive Landmarks should also have some defensive ability in contrast to their feudal landmark.


Although at the moment they do not have balance problems, it is always good to give more ideas or flexibility to this civ in strategies.

Irregular units.- Unique Ottoman units that cannot be created by the military camp, but can be created in barracks, stables and archery gallery by spending Vizir Points unlocking them.

  • Azap: Hybrid archer infantry who can change to a melee form with a ######## with good attack.
  • Akinci: Irregular Horse Archer, bonus against villagers, and can attack buildings up close with torches.
  • Deli: Light cavalry specialized in melee combat. They can use “Madness” which increases their attack speed by 50% but increases the “Ranged” damage they receive by 50% for a few seconds.

History: Although the Ottomans recruited young people and children in military schools, they also had irregular troops, with soldiers from vassal nations or mercenaries who enlisted to fight for the empire. Among them were the Azap, light infantry who generally served as archers, Akincis, light assault cavalry who fought as horse archers, and Delhi, light cavalry who could engage in battle with the enemy without fear of death.


Great idea! This will make the game more inmersive


Hello, I hope you are doing very well and regarding your post: I think they are very good suggestions, the oldest civilizations in the game would need some tweaks to their unit rosters. For example, the Ottomans would need some unique units such as Turkoman Cavalry (horse archer), Ottoman Palace Guards (heavy infantry with halberds) and Qapukulu (The Qapukulu could have a unique technology that changes their swords for steel mace, increasing their damage to heavy armor). And in the case of the Byzantines they were able to add unique mercenary units such as: the latinikoi, tourkopouloi and skythikon. Greetings.

This Lang Xian polearm unit that you suggested could alternatively deal poison damage in melee instead of AoE damage, since the blades attached to the branches of this polearm were apparently dipped in poison.