Most of the Swedish translations are good, surprisingly so as Swedidh isn’t the very widely spoken. However there are some that could see some do-over.
All of “Medium” class upgrades are translated to “Mellanstora” (Medium-SIZE) while it should be “Mellantunga” (Medium-Weight) or preferrably “Medeltungt/Medeltunga”. Medeltungt infantri, Medeltungt kavalleri, Medeltunga distans-soldater, Medeltunga Spjutbärare, Medeltunga Yxmän, Medeltunga Slungare. And the name off the upgraded units should just get the prefix "Medeltung " or "Mellantung ".
Sentry Tower, Watch Tower AND Guard Tower are all translated as “Vakttorn”. I would suggest: Sentry Tower = “Utsiktstorn”, Watch Tower = “Vakttorn” and Guard Tower = “Försvarstorn”. Ballista Tower as “Ballisttorn” is perfect and need no to change.
The Greek Siege units don’t necessearly needs to be translated and the current one for “Helepolis” is the same as siege tower which i oppose. You could translate it as “Stadsintagare”, from wikipedia: Helepolis Greek: ἑλέπολις, meaning: “Taker of Cities”)
The Research “Adze of Wepwawet” got it all wrong, currently ‘Adze från Wepwawet’ when it should be “Upuauts Skarvyxa”. someone most have assumed Wepwawet (who we call Upuaut) was a place and not a God/mythologic figure, and so didn’t use possessive form.
The Research “Greatest of Fifty” is currently ‘50 Bästa’ which I am sceptical to. The description of the tech would make me think a better translation be “Främst av Femtio”.
The god power “Ancenstors” is translated as ‘Förfäder’(Ancenstor, notably singular) It should be “Förfädrar”.
The Research “Swine Array” is currently ‘Svinställning’, it should be “Svinfylking”.
The god power “Flaming Weapons” is translated a ‘Eldvapen’ which sounds more like Firearms. “Brinnande Vapen” or “Flammande Vapen” would be more appropriate, I advocate for the former of those two.
“Jormun Elver” is translated to ‘Midgårdsorm’ while correct, “Midgårdsäsping” would make use of the Elver part as the description do mention it is not the Midgard Serpent itself, but it’s children. Äsping is the name of snake-children in Swedish.
“Granite Maw”, ‘Granitkäft’ is a perfect translation, but the description is actually not translated at all.
“Raiding Cavalry” is tranlated as 'Lätt Kavalleri" (Light Cavalry) you could lean into it and keep calling them that, but change the upgrades to “Medeltungt Kavalleri/Mellantungt Kavalleri”, “Tungt Kavalleri” and “Kämpekavallri”. But if you want Raid. “Rädarkavalleri” could work or even better “Plundrarkavalleri”. With a little artistic freedom (supported by the vikings technology) you could callthem "Vikingakavalleri
On the last note “Långbåt” is the litteral translation for “Longboat” but most swedes kall them ############### Current one works though.
Building “Great Hall” is translated as ‘Stora Salen’ (THE Great Hall) “Storsal” should do fine.
“Palace” is translated to ‘Palatset’ (THE palace) “Palats” will do.
“Cheiroballista” is just translated as ‘Armborst’ which generally means Crossbow which seems wrong, but I can’t find a better word for it. Searching on wikipedia gives the Latin alternative Manuballista, maybe “Manuballist” would work?
Other than these, I currently can’t find any other mistakes actually. Well done.