I don’t think I can think of particular UT names and such, it’s just a draft that I hope the devs consider one day, for Swiss or any other civ focused on infantry/archers. The article posted also argues for the point that an unique infantry might give an edge in a mass inf-inf war, and what better way to have that than splash damage, given they had huge swords as well.
Yeah, I listed mainly the imp advantages of the civ, as I would have a hard time coming up with early bonuses that aren’t implemented already. Weren’t they known for having a lot of cows? Maybe every economic building you build (mill, lumber camp, mining camp, (TC too?)) spawns a cow near it?
Maybe, but that way I think it would be a bit underwhelming. The big part about Keshiks is that they are super cheap and have a ton of pierce armor and HP for their cost, not that they generate gold. Meanwhile without any other eco bonus that’s kind of supposed to ensure that an infantry civ can still get out decent numbers without drying the mines too quickly- tatars can just spam their amazing hussars, an infantry civ can’t do that.
That’s also an option but the progression of spearman → pikeman → halberdier → “pikeman” is a bit weird, also elite skirm is a castle age tech, halberdier is an imp tech. And if it builds on top of halberdier it would have to be quite the upgrade, and to cost a lot as well.