Technologies moved from House of Wisdom can be researched in multiple buildings at the same time

i was talking about the camel one lol, i know that one is more than ui

Okay … I would like to know myself as well but since I bought a game on xbox I somehow cannot LELELELEL

My camels were hit about 300 times and never lost their armor though. They took 1 dmg from everything that hit them.

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This happened to me as well on the ladder. This is absolutely gamebraking, they can even snipe defenses with their torches from afar.


Before the camel and spearman techs are finished you can still que up new ones in your barracks allowing for very large numbers. With the spears the game became extremely slow and unstable and crashed the test before when I tried 140x. Tested with 10x and it said 300+ range in the tooltip. but it was extremely lagging and the ui buttons in the EXC method didn’t work anymore so I had to alf+f4 yet another time today.


Tooltip (10-12x tech) (same ad vid):

Steps to reproduce:
Cue the tech in multiple barracks while it is running. If you spamclick you can get a few in then it turns grey. you have to go to the individual buildings to que the techs

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Why is your game all grey? Is that some kind of reshade?

I also wanted to share clips of a ladder replay. it shows the process of queueing the upgrade as well as the broken spears being used by a shameless bug abuser :confused:
Link to replay clip - 38mb

Please, when you are going to apply any patch, you can do 2 things:

  • Have the patch tested by hundreds of players chosen to test all the changes 1 week before it is released at least.

  • That the patch notes are decently written.


Ran into this bug too. It makes the game unplayable even to the point where the game crashes. We need an urgent hot fix for this.

[sarcasm] Maybe they wanted to introduce skirmishers [/sarcasm]

Some problems with HDR and recording I cant seem to be able to fix, recordings are also like this outside of the game.

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Come on Relic, we need hotfix. This is 1 hour work for someone who knows your code… But take your time, do it in 3 hours with TESTING.

How are you going to test a patch with hundreds of players when thousands are demanding a patch yesterday?

If you knew the patch was “ready” a week ago, but they were still “testing” it wouldn’t you ■■■■ a brick waiting for them to push the balance-fixes?

You simply have to acknowledge that you are not a programmer, or at all adjacent to software development, and have no idea what must be done to produce these things. If it was as easy as players seem to think, then very few games would have bugs across the industry.

It boils down to clever testers, executing clerverly-conceived test cases… that’s it. Some tester dropped the ball, because the bug occurred for techs moved from one building into another. Probably their “double queue” test case was not sufficient before this.

In Aoe3DE a list of players is chosen (i lie, everybody can do It on Steam) to test the patch before it comes out, be it a week before or days before, excuse the fair.

Is that list hundreds? How long did it take for them to curate the list of players? :slight_smile:

And do they spend weeks on balance patches??? This patch was clearly intended to be for balance, however they did make some functional changes (moving techs from a special building to a common building) which is probably where the QA overlap (or underlap) occurred in this case, would be my guess.

Also, playing different builds of the game on steam is a feature that AoE4 clearly has not reached yet. They don’t even have the map editor ready, they released a stable game to make money and unlike WC3 reforged, it was actually ready for launch.

You are writing to someone who is not being too harsh compared to some on this forum.

The balance patch has not satisfied many competitive players, they have fixed important bugs (and most of the hitboxes) but they have generated other bugs and there are exploits that can still be done and have been reported for weeks.

Thanks for the reports, all! We’re working on it.


apparantly the game does not support HDR properly for moitors having less than 300 nits of brightness. and by properly i mean adjusting the brightness slider to acceptable levels. it is fully bright no matter the slider is zero or 100

this might be a bug with the engine and not the game itself

Thanks, that explains why I fiddled with that slider for 5 minutes before giving up 11